Part 16

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They both reached his office which was wide and big. He kept giving her side glances. She gave him a look before she followed him inside. It was really a big office. He walked into a new aisle where he stopped suddenly.

“You sit here quitely alright.” He said a little pensively.

She sighed. Why was he so afraid ?!! What was he so afraid of ?!!

A strain covered his forehead. He looked down into her face frowning.

“You don’t run down or walk about into walls and hurt yourself, alright ?!!” He said again sounding weirdly worriedly.

“I’m not a kid.” She said staring flatly into his eyes.

He looked down at his watch.

“I’m getting late. You just be careful.” He said distractedly before walking away in big long strides.

She opened her mouth to call him but he had already walked away into another corridor. What the hell ?!! Did he think she really was a kid ?!! She shook her head bemused at his worry.

Sighing heavily she looked around. He was too busy always. At least in Udaipur he used to work in the study and she had been in the habit of being in his company always. Here she didn’t know at all that he was this much into being a workaholic. How was she going to spend the evenings now.

She walked along in the corridor of where he disappeared of into.

Karthik was too engrossed in the meeting. The large hall was filled with the board members and they were talking about the profit and losses of the business. It was a very important thing to do right now but he was too distracted suddenly which he never was.

He sighed and looked sideways before he straightened and the most important thing was standing right there near at the large glass window which was covered by the pull down. How did he forget her there ?!!

He looked around to see if anyone was watching but mostly the meeting was too busy to look anywhere else. She seem to not know what was going on inside because she was too busy making fish faces and pouts to the window.

He almost laughed but he cleared his throat instead while four or five questioning glances slid across at his side. He maintained a poker face but he cannot help glancing back at her now dancing figure.

Great. Wasn’t she aware of her surroundings. She seem to think it was only a mirror. He should have reprimanded her more for sitting quietly in one place. He can’t help looking back at her. She was too cute to be ignored.

He shook his head firmly and slid his gaze back to the presentation going on. After a while he glanced back at her to find her looking at the mirror. He took the glass of water and had a sip of it observing her.

She started staring at the mirror and he froze suddenly when she removed her coat and looked at herself up and down not so happily. Her hands went over the top she was wearing. He spat out the water coughing a little. He excused himself and got up. It was enough of a view.

He walked towards the window and pulled up the drawers. Her eyes widened looking at his flat eyes and then she looked towards the people present in the hall before a panic set in. A deep blush covered her face and she flustered up. She set right her hair and put on the coat and started coughing heavily.

She avoided his eyes and ran off into the corridor. He started chuckling and later laughed a little hard before the presentation stopped and each of the men sat there, looked at him as if he had gone crazy standing there laughing at the window.

He sobered up and moved towards the chair. After a while he got engrossed again deeply. An hour later the meeting still went on with his employees becoming wary by each passing hour. It was finished later after the last presentation.

Perfectly Imperfect by VrushyWhere stories live. Discover now