Almost a Normal Day

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-6am at Paris-
-I woke up at the sun's ray into my bedroom feeling the warmth and seeing Duusu sleeping at my pillow and I turned to look above thinking about Gabriel when I visited him again and how he texted me and that he cares so much I'm excited to be back at work tomorrow seeing him and Adrien makes my day, then Duusu woke up-

Good morning miss Nathalie!

Good morning blueball *kisses*

-then we walk out to the balcony-

I see its a beautiful day today miss

-I shouted and some people below stared and said:


bonjour bon aujourd'hui

-I said happily-

What did you say to them miss?

I said good morning! Have a good day!

Come Duusu let's have breakfast

Okaaayyy let me check the fridge oh how about come croissants, milk for you.. And coffee for me

Thank you miss

Your welcome

-while Duusu was eating, I realized I can't eat and last night I couldn't sleep either all I've done was thinking about Gabriel and---

Miss Nathalie!!


Why aren't you eating?
-Duusu said chewing some tiny croissants-

Ohh sorry i don't know.. I couldn't sleep last night either only for 10 minutes

Why?? Are you thinking about something?

Well... I was thinking about Gabriel...

Ohh I think I know miss



WHAAATTT??!!! -I was shocked and confused

Yes miss you falling for him, and I can sense it!

No no no...  I'm a superhero I protect Paris my whole life and I can't fall inlove with anyone you know why. A superhero can't fall in love or someone---

Someone will discover your identity yes and I know miss..

Why does it has to be me? Why did the Guardian even chose me? -sobs-

Because you have a good heart miss..
-she keeps chewing-
and he knows you value other's lives before yours and where it got you
-now she drank her milk-
You've protected Paris long enough now, the people love you and i love you miss Nathalie!

-my tears of joy came down she flew at my hands and sat down-
Awww you're the best kwami ever, even though your curious and ask many questions sometimes and i have problems.. Your here to help me fix them or find a solution i love you too my tiny blueball!
-Nathalie attacked her with many kisses to her-

-HEHEHEHE Miss Nathalie that tickles and your welcome miss, i'll always and forever be your kwami- she smiled happily

-and i hugged her-

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