Chapter 6

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{Molly's POV}

We walked on and we arrived at his house.
"Ladies first" he said opening the front door. I laughed.
"Come" I followed whilst he lead me to his room.
"So what homework we gonna start with first?" I asked him.
"Umm... English"

(40 minutes later)
"Finally finished!" I said slamming my pen against my book.
"Ino!" he said laughing and mimicking my previous action.
"Watcha wanna do know?" I said whilst my phone binged off. I look it was my mum.

•Text Convosation•
Mum: I'm going to be a late, if ur hungry there's food in the fridge u smelly poo, see u later💩x
Molly: Ok😂😂😂💕

"My mum said she's gonna be late so i might be here abit longer" i explained.
"A movie then maybe?" He asked whilst checking his phone.
"Okay then!"

We walked down stairs. He rooted for about 5 minuets trying to find a good movie.
"This!" He said in relief and also throughing it in the air.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a scary one, do u like scary movies? Because that's fine with me if you don't like them" he asked me.
"Do I like them!? Scary movies are life" I said giggling." What scary movie is it then?!"
"Hocus Pocus" he answerd. I looked at him and laughed my head off.
"Are u being serious?" I said still laughing.
"No of corse not, we are watching insidious" he replied still giggling.

"Let's get da pop corn on the go dennn" he shouted from the other room.
"Don't burn the house down!" I shouted back.
"I'll try not too" he spoke laughing.

He came with the pop corn, he had already ate a quarter of it! He sat down.
"U ready!" He said with his mouth full of pop corn.
"I was born ready!" I said sounding sassy.
"Ooooo that was a good one I will have to say that to someone" he said laughing, still with a mouthful of pop corn.

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