Whats does he mean?

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(Sorry That it took so long!!I've been busy with school since the school year just ended and I had end of the year test and projects that I had to finish)

Fuyumi POV
"Hey Sho"I said quietly since I could see that he is scared.
"W-whats g-going on?W-w-where is t-t-touya?why a-am I-i at a s-sch-school?"He stuttered out obviously trying to not to cry.
"Hey it's ok shoto no need to worry.Touya's o-ok"I said while slowly walking over to him holding my arms out.He looked at with tears in his heterochromic eyes and ran over to me and into my arms.He pressed his face into my shoulder and he cried
"I-I can't t-take it a-a-anymore yumi!It h-hurts.it h-hurts so m-much when I have to t-train"he cried out.My slowly moved my head onto my head and started running my fingers though his hair in an attempt at calming him down.
Aizawa POV
"What did he mean when he said that it hurt so much when he trained isn't he like 5?"I ask concerned.
I didn't get an answer but just a sad look from fuyumi while she continued to run her fingers through todoroki's hair.I decided to just drop it for now and bring it up later but I still can't get that question out of my head.
" What did he mean?"
//////// ahhh that was so bad and short I've just been super busy and I'm so sorry that this is so late-Violet

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