50 shades of your blood.

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I sat in my room and rocked Vega to sleep as I tried my best to remain sane. Pac never came back so it's just been me and the girls.

"Luna go get in bed baby." I said kissing her forehead.

"Mommy but daddy isn't back." She said with puppy eyes. I sighed and looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Daddy went to handle some business. He'll be back soon." I said. She nodded and walked away to her and her sisters room.

I looked at my ring that mama wanda sat on my night stand before leaving and shook my head before breaking down. I pulled Vega close to me and kissed her repeatedly.

"I promise you that me and your daddy are gonna be okay." I said through cries. I stood up and walked to the twins room and laid her in her crib before checking on her sister who was still sleeping with her butt tooted in the air. I wiped my tears and smiled.

I then walked to the girls room to check up on them. I heard silent cries as I walked over to Luna's bed side.

I looked at her and then picked her up as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. One thing for sure is that no matter how old my babies get, they gon still be my babies. I rubbed her back as she cried. For some reason she was so hurt about her daddy leaving.

"Baby, it's okay. You gotta be strong for mommy. I don't want to see your pretty self cry." I said wiping her tears. She looked at me and I kissed her forehead.

"Is daddy okay?" She asked.

"Daddy is okay. He's just...mommy wasn't being a good mommy. So that made him mad." I said.

"But you are a good mommy. You're the best mommy ever." She said. I smiled at her. My baby is so caring. I helped her back in bed and waited till she fell asleep to go back to my room. I got in bed and tried to relax but couldn't. I reached over to Pac's side and grabbed his shirt pulling it close to me. His scent made me fall right asleep.

3 weeks later

I paced back and forth in the guest room of my moms house. I couldn't think straight at all. I wanted to talk to Lisa but I doubt she would want to talk to me and I wasn't ready to talk to her anyways. Especially after what I said.

"Son. You okay?" My mama asked walking in.

"I don't know ma. Do you know what I said to her. The hurt and the anger in her eyes made my heart sink into the pit of my stomach." I said. She sat beside me and lifted my chin up.

"You have to do what you know is right. That woman loves you to pieces and you're sitting here instead of going to your house with your family and settling it with her. I understand that she hit you first, but I didn't raise my son to hit on women nor did I raise you to talk to somebody so rude especially the woman that has carried four of your children. You're better than that son." She said before kissing me on the forehead.

She was right but I wasn't about to show it. Lisa needs her space and I think that it's best for us right now to stay apart. She's still my woman no matter what. I stood up and grabbed my keys and walked to the door. I got in my car and drove to my house. I sat in my car in the garage for a minute before getting out. I opened the door and walked in seeing Lisa on the floor in a puddle of blood. I bent down and looked at her arm seeing the word hate carved in it. I started crying trying to wake her. I tapped lisa's face as she began to whimper. She looked into my eyes slowly gasping for air before opening her mouth to talk. I shushesd her and took off my shirt to stop the bleeding.

''Its okay baby. I'm so sorry. I promise I didn't mean anything I said.'' I cried. A tear fell down her left eye before she started crying. I picked her up and took her upstairs into our room. I ran her some bath water before helping her in. She whimpered and started shaking so I took off my clothes and got in with her. I pulled her into me and she cried on my chest as I rubbed her back. Seeing her hurting is so heart breaking.

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