My Life at Home

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*Kamdyn's POV*

Hi I'm Kamdyn. I live in a big house in LA. I know what you're thinking "she's probably really rich and has a perfect life"........Well that isn't the case. I have abusive parents and I am yelled at a lot. I hate the life I live but there is nothing I can do! I am only aloud out of the house for school. But it isn't a normal everyday school. It's like home-schooling but not at home. Anyway today is my birthday and I know it's gonna suck, cause it's my 16th and that's one of the biggest birthdays ever I guess. But i know as soon as I get downstairs I'm gonna get in trouble for something. I'm really scared to get up. "Kamdyn get your ass down here now!!!" I heard my mother yell. Frick, I am probably gonna be slapped. Okay Kam you can do it. I started walking down stairs.


Thanks guys for reading my first chapter. Idk if i'm gonna write tomorrow since it's Christmas, but we'll see. If I get 2 or more votes i'll do the next chaper. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Be safe! ~Kam

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