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□ 2 years disappearance act
□ Diana Prince

Kara mentally dreads the last few question she was about to ask, heck, her feet simply wanted to get up, thank the CEO and just disappear and cry-but Snapper specifically noted that she ask Lena about it and even more so, about the nice woman she met just a couple of nights ago.

She hated it-she hated the feeling of the unseen wall between them, making her feel like she was so far from her, yet so near. She hated the way her own self betrays her when she tried to be casual and friendly instead of being a nervous, awkward wreck that she is only to be slap by the reality that she could never act like nothing had happened, she simply couldn't act normal, not after their history that is still very fresh in her mind.

She eyed her notes, so far she got the things she needed and if she's the one to decide, she'd wrap it up at that. But again, even she knows that the people are just as curious about the 2 year-disappearing act Lena had made as she was. Not that the woman need to explain herself to her or anybody, that's just the nature of being a public person-or in her position, one of the most famous business woman in National City and the youngest holder of the infamous last name to add to that, making everyone's eyes on her again, if they aren't yet.

Looking up to finally ask the question, she saw the playful smirk playing on the brunette's lucious lips and she wanted to melt that instant. Damn it, focus. She told herself, shaking her head a little.

Lena doesn't seem to mind that she's taking her time, really it was simply because she's nervous and she's pretty sure Lena could tell. She was just comfortably sitting in her swivel chair, a small smile on her face as she patiently waits for her.

In the midst of their interview, with Lena easily answering her question with calmness and class and Kara's constant fidgeting, Jess knocked to tell her that it's time for her next meeting, looking quite apologetic for interrupting.

Kara was more than ready to go, not wanting to impose. As she fixed herself to stand, she bravely ask the CEO if can come back to finish the interview but to her surprise, Lena dismissed her secretary and told her to cancel the meeting in which Kara immediately intervene, telling her that she shouldn't and she can just come back.

Lena simply gave her a look that she know very well, making her sit back down in defeat. She shot Jess an apologetic look, being aware that the pooe girl would be the one who'd deal with the anger of whoever Lena was supposed to meet-she have done that before to Cat Grant, many times really, and she never liked the feeling of being told off when you are simply following orders.

Jess doesn't seem to mind as the young woman simply gave her a wink and walked back out.

Despite of her surprise, Kara really appreciated what Lena did and though she didn't mean to, her heart made a tiny little dance because of the gesture-which she pushed deep down and tried to ignore.

"Kara"Lena called, pulling her out of her thoughts. A hot shade of pink suddenly traveled to her cheeks, feeling slightly embarass for zoning out.

She straighten her back and cleared her throat, "Yes? Sorry I was-"She tried to explain but was interrupted with Lena's giggle-God had she missed that so much. She thought.

When she looked at her, Lena was smiling and shaking her head, "You and your thoughts"She said, standing up to retrieve her bag.

She mumbled a small apology and scratch her head. damn it.

"I said, would you join me for lunch? We can finish the interview then. I'm starving"She heard her asked, now putting her coat on.

Flustered, Kara nod her head and collect her things-her thoughts flying.

Did Lena just asked her for Lunch?

Kara, still fazed with things happening so fast, only followed Lena as if she was a lost puppy-watching her command her people with so much authority.

Somewhere between telling Jess to move her meetings after Lunch and walking towards the elevator, Lena's phone rang.

Opposite to what her heart did a little while ago, her heart sank when she caught a glimpse of the caller and the instant smile that made its way to Lena's lips.

"Hey you"Lena answered, sounding rather playful-which Kara didn't appreciate one bit.

Lena shot her a look, almost as if asking for permission which Kara replied with a shake of a head and a smile-indicating that she don't mind it and that she's fine-which is obviously a lie.

Kara doesn't know why Lena's still cautious about her presence around her new girl-yes they have history and before that they were great friends but Lena doesn't actually need to do the whole being cautious thing-as if the blonde would break.

Kara was, as if she have the time for it, hit by the realization that she really had moved on-by the way she was casually interacting with her, as if the past years never happened.

Unlike her, Lena was just calm and collected and Kara wonder if what she was seeing is just a faćade, a way to mask the real feelings-she was always the one who understand Lena before, they simply had that connection where they can easily read one another, despite of either trying to hide it. Yet now as she stared at the green eyed woman, she couldn't see it anymore.

Kara wonder if the two years that passed made Lena a pro in hiding things from her, which she could never do before because Kara could read her like a book, knows her more than she does herself.

A side of her brain tells her that it was that, that Lena simply managed to build a wall so high that by all the pain she caused, she was able to hurt her by acting as it nothing had happened. That Lena, her sweet gentle Lena, was only using Diana to get back to her because of what she's done. That Lena still love her deep down, and simply pretending that she don't anymore.

The other side of her brain, however, tells her the complete opposite. Something that actually makes sense but she would never accept because how could she?

How could she accept that fact that Lena really have moved on from her and is in a happy place now while she was still locked up in the past?


2020 sucks.
How have y'all been?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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