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'They call me artist, they call me idol...'

My alarm wake me up from my peaceful sleep with my favourite band singing on it. 7 a.m I groaned internally remembering I have to delivered some cookies to the birthday party before 10.

My best friend own one of the biggest bakery in the town, after the death of my family I started to work with him, my parents and my little brother died in a horrible car crash when I was 18 I  have no one else to depend on but Liam is always there for me, he treat me like his own little sister even though he's my best friend he's like the big brother that I never have.

I love working at the bakery, I had always  loved baking me and my mom used to baked it all the time. My parents own a small cafe but after they passed away I have to finished my college so I sold it, it helped me a lot in my tuition fees and some bills, also working at the bakery help me a lot too.

I lived alone in a small apartment despite Liam's idea of me moving in with him. My apartment was not that big but it's enough for me , not too fancy but cozy and homey just the way I like it.

After lazily waking up from my very welcoming bed containing my boyfriend in it, I do my morning stuff in the bathroom.

Yes I do have a boyfriend a very cute one that is. I love him so much but not in a romantic way he's always there for me through my hardest time. I remember when Liam introduced him to me.....


It was my 21st birthday mom baked a cake for me and dad cooked my favorite food an later they surprised me by giving me a lot of BTS merch knowing how much I love them (when I say a lot trust me it's a lot).

If I'd only knew that last year was my last birthday with them I'd make it much more memorable than it was.

I cried at the memory but just because I cried doesn't mean they'll come back, even though I've I miss them like crazy I gotta move forward, I don't want to move on but I gotta move forward as much as I want to stay in my memory forever life goes on and the worst part is that it doesn't wait for anyone.

I cried myself sleep that night. I woke up with annoyance when someone started to shake me continuously. As soon as I opened my eyes I've been welcomed with the most beautiful chocolate cake I've ever seen and he started to sing happy birthday song.
"Happy birthday cupcake" I stared the mouthwatering cake in amusement cause it's looked so yummy and beautiful at the same time, chocolate is my favourite and Liam knows it too well.

"Thank you so much Liam you're the best best friend ever" I chirped happily "I know and there's more surprise for you" "really? Where's that?" My eyes roaming around the room searching for my surprise gift "it's under your blanket, right beside you sleeping peacefully" he smirked.

I looked at him dumbfounded and horrified of him pranking me again "Liam Evans if you dared to pranked me on my birthday I promise I won't talk to you for the rest of my life" dramatic much? But girl that's just me being myself  "it's not a pranked cupcake just see it yourself" he said calmly and that scares me even more.

I hesitantly uncovered the blanket and found him the love of my love.... the big fluffy teddy bear was lying there looking as cute as possible...

*end of flashback*

Haha! Yes you got it right, my boyfriend is a fluffy teddy bear not a handsome and sexy man.

But I still love him so much, who won't love him when he's looking all cute and adorable at the same time he's my only secret keeper of course other than Liam. So basically, he's my teddy bear boyfriend and I love him, you think I'm crazy, yes? Liam think of me the same way too. But I love to cuddle him in my sleep and him being the fluffy one he made my sleep so easy.. so, I guess that's our love story.

I hurriedly eat my breakfast get ready to work. Around 8 I reached the bakery and Liam's already there baking some cookies for the delivery.

"Morning Liam" Liam averted his attention towards me "hi cupcake" he smiled "slept well?" He asked. "Of course but my fluffy boyfriend won't let me woke up early" I teased knowing how he will react "oh my God! Please someone save me, I shouldn't have bought you that stupid teddy bear no I'm the stupid one for introducing him as your boyfriend" he sight dramatically, see it's his fault. "But I love him" I fake pout. "Okay, enough of your teddy bear boyfriend now help me make the cookies ready for deliveries".

After packing the cookies ready for delivery Liam and I droves towards the birthday party it's 20 minutes drive from the bakery, on our way Liam phone started to ring frantically, "yes mom" he stopped the car and picked up the phone. "What?!!.... yes" he sound worried "okay be there.. bye" he looked pale. "Liam is everything okay?" "Yes..... no Nana is in the hospital it's seems serious..... she have cancer" he looks like he would cry anytime "Shh.... Liam everything will be okay she's a strong woman, I know she will make it out" I hold his hand to calm him down, he has a great relationship with Nana I know the news will broke him.

"Liam you need to be strong for her okay? She wouldn't want to see you so broken like this, you know this cancer can't do much to you, it will never lessen the love you had for her or never changed the relationship you had with her, instead make this disease to bond your relationship with her, promise me you'll stay strong for Nana" he engulf me with a tight hug.

"Thank you cupcake for always making things better, you're the strongest women I've ever known,I promise I'll stay strong for Nana and for you" he say softly
"So we're almost there, I'll drop you to the party and head right to Nana. Is that okay with you?" He asked hesitantly. "Of course Liam it's more than okay you need to be there for her" I smile reassuringly. "And please cupcake can you watched the bakery while I'm gone I know it's a lot to asked but....." "hey, hey it's okay don't worry about the bakery I'll take care of it... stay there as long as you need Nana needs you there" "I love you cupcake you're the best sister and best friend ever" he said hugging me again. "Okay, enough with the cuddling session drove me to the party" I smiled pulling away from the hug.

Hunter POV:

I woke up around 7 feeling completely tired for the amount of work I've done for the past few weeks. I take a cold shower and looked myself in the mirror and hell I looked tired. Whatever I need to keep working, for Ethan. 

Oh shit! Shit! Shit! How can I forget today is Ethan birthday and i don't even buy him a gift. He'll be so furious if he knew that I forget his birthday.

Sure I'm mad at him for showing a tantrum to his nanny, he looked like me a lot in everything possessive, short temper, serious in everything and of course he rarely smile but still I'm his father so I have to stop him from showing a tantrum like that.He was so smart that sometimes it looks like he's much more older than a 3 years old boy.

Last night after throwing a huge tantrum to his nanny he started to yelled at her and tried to attacked her, he won't just stop yelling and shouting, I couldn't calm him for hours. He started to shout at me and make me so furious but he wouldn't just stop, so that it led to me cancelling his birthday party for today.I'm still mad at him but today's his birthday so I should at least buy him a gift.

After getting ready to buy a gift for Ethan I headed to grabbed my breakfast in the kitchen, much to my surprise Ethan's already there eating his breakfast silently. "Happy birthday son" I said kissing his head "thanks daddy" he mumbled quietly. "Your gift will be a bit late" "okay" he says not sounding interested at all.

I decided to walk instead of taking my car, just as i finished crossing the road my eyes caught a very beautiful girl coming out from a car holding a box she smiled at the driver and hug him. It make me furious at the sight of her hugging him. Just as I'm about to help her with the box the light turn green and just like that I lost her.

Her angelic smile, her long dark hair fuck I want to find her. Shit! does she have a boyfriend just the thought made me go wild. I'll find you baby, you're mine.... I sound like some sick psychotic man, my own feeling scared me too... the feelings, it's so new to me. Shit I don't even know her name but still called my private investigator.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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