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"Do you find it?" He ask her ,she shook her head as a no.he grab his hair in frustration.

"Fuck!!!where is it" He said ,try to not mess up the files ,they find the files of murder and the beggist mafia on the seoul.

"Are you sure about this,lali?" He ask her ,she sigh.

"I dont know but trust me ,i can see him put his file on this " she replied as she pointed the drawer.

"So you been here before but what about the lady in the counter ,why she didnt recognize you?" He ask confusedly.

"Well i didnt see her after i been here , maybe she new when im done on my business of my called boss" she answered,rolling her eyes after.

"So thats why ,you like you own the building earlier?" He ask again,she laugh.

"Yeahh!!!" She said laughing so he too.

"I have a question too?" She ask him,he just sign her to continue.

"Well, why would i tell you when we reach this building that this is your destination?" She question him,he raise his eyebrows.

"I dont know,i confused too that you said i reach my destination ,that you find yours " he answered ,chuckled after.

"Maybe about to red diamond makes addicted" she said ,giggling after too.

"The crazy part is ,i die in the end which i tag you two" she said laughing .He laugh along with her too ,forget their plan.

"Well the two is only lie but you is true" he said laughing,she stopped laughing when he realize what he said.

"So you want me to die?" She ask him, raise her left brow.he stop and cleared his throat.

"I mean is ,your the one who say that in the first place and want anyway!" He answered.

"Yeah right" she said ,laugh akwardly.

"Are you done??" Their heads turn on the person whose talking.

"Oh, torong you already here?"he said ,hint his voice tease.lisa just smirk cause she know he passed the audition.

" Congrats tae"she suddenly grabbed his right hand and shake it.

"How did you know ?that i pass the audition?" He ask her confusedly as jungkook too.

"Hint on your smile" she replied ,wink at him.

"But you didnt believe,i meet the secretary president when i audition she so fucking beautiful" he said dreamily ,both his hands on his cheek.they roll their eyes.

"Stop that, before we caught and kill" she said,his eyes widened it .

"Guys!!!" Taehyung ask them,they look at him confused ,he slowly left his hand and point to the wall, they followed where he pointed.

"Is that cctv?" As he ask, they already dragged him.

"lets go!!"

"Fuck!!" She cursed under her breathed.

When they reach the door to reach outside  ,they can see the black mans disguise chase them,they try to run faster while breathing heavily,they quickly went to their car before the black mask mans got them

"Kook wheres the bag?" She ask taehyung speed up the car.

"Here!!!" He give her,she speechless .

"So you give this to me?" She ask ,as she pointed herself , he just nooded faintly.

"Well,i didnt have a choice so-" she cutt him with a kiss .his eyes widend but he kiss back ,ignore the driver who cringed the face all the time.

"The adventure is fun right??" Taehyung ask them ,teasing them as he talking about the kiss,they blush and lean away.

"So guys!!why your just continue sucking face each other on the car while i waiting on outside,and still thankful that black mask man's didnt chase us anymore,and im still thankful that i pass the audition and meet her, ayiehhh im so so in love with her,infinity and beyond !!!!!"he end what he said ,he only hear a silence on the two.

" Guys!! Why y'll quite ,im just sta-"when he turn the both ,they already asleep.

"Ashh this two" he mumbled.




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