hollow point chapter eight fathers pov

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The thrusters of the extraction plane started to get loud indicating that we were landing
Irus: we are finally back i can get back to relaxing with my dog
Soldier: sounds nice
Irus: yea it is
Soldier: how is your dog anyway
Irus: great
Soldier: thats good to hear
We begin to land the extraction plane shook a little and the door opend to the captain miller stood up and stood at the door door of the plane and started a speech
Captain miller: great work out there soldiers we had a few bumps on the way but we made it and i am proud that we have won our selves one step closer to victory it was a honor fighting along side you all and wish you all the best of luck
He turns around and headed twords the palace the soldiers in side started taking of their seat belts and got up and begin to go to the palace
Irus: just follow me ill show you where to go
Grey: ok but dont be to long i have to get back home soon
Irus: right you do
(He said with a joyful tone)we begin to walk down the landing pad stairsand walk to a door on the side of the palace we entered a room that had a bunch of lockers
Irus: you are new here you will have to use any empty locker ill ask the king ti give you a designated locker
Grey: thanks
Irus: no problem
I put my armor and weapon in the locker and close and lock it we head out of there and head twords the frint doors of the Palace
Irus: well i assume your going back home so ill let you go i live here in the palace if you ever wanna stop by just tell one of the guards and they'll lead you to me
Grey: yea i got to get going but yea we have to catch up on things need you to tell me how diffrent things are
We exchange our goodbyes and i get in my car and head back home i get out of the car and head to the front door when it opens and kat is standing in the middle of it and she just has a big smile
Kat: welcome back home grey
Grey: thanks
(I say in a confused tone)
She moves by and geatures for me to come in
Kat: come in you must be tired
Grey: i am
I come in and see auriel watching tv and carla on the floor playing with toy blocks i come in and sit next to them
Grey: how have you two been while i was gone
Carla stands up in excitement and showed me a little house she built
Carla: iv been playing with these blocks kat brought us
Grey: thats nice of her to do that did you thank her for it
Carla: yes a munch of times i was getting bored before
Grey: well thats nice that you had something to do and how about you auriel?
Auriel: ive been fine i have been watching tv and talking to kids outside
Grey: thats nice did you make any friends?
Auriel: yea only one though his name is ash
Grey: well how did you and ash become freinds
Auriel: i was sitting outside watching cars he was peaking over the fence and we started to talk
Grey: thats nice
I rubbed there heads and stood up and walked to kat she stood there with her hands behind her back holding her wrist with her other hand open
Kat: yes?
Grey: how have they been
Kat: they have been fine but auriel seems to like to think alot he often just stares at things for a while and when i ask him what he is doung he says he is thinking and when i ask him if he wants anything to entertain his self he says not right now
Grey: yea he is a smart boy he has moments when he likes to think about things i geuss i dont know what he thinks about he never tells
Kat: oh
Grey: ge still is a child though he still does things children do but he likes to think
Kat: got it and well ill be back to tomorrow if you need me
Grey: ok ill let you know
She leaves and drives off she seems like a nice girl really kind and good with children hope shes not putting up a facade or acting o go to my room and sit on my bed i rest there for a moment when i feel my left eye twitch and light up purple
Grey: corruption i need to take it easier on my self or i could loose control of my self
I look down at the back of my hands
Grey: i need a shower to relax
I get up and get a towl i found inside the bathroom and look through the dressers for cloths they got for us there a many sizes and after a couple of minutes of searching i find my size of cloths and relax in the shower i sit in there for 15 minutes when there is a knock at the door i turn off the shower to hear them
Grey: yea?
Auriel: there is someone at the door
Grey: *sigh* ok here i come
I get out and dry off and put some pants on and a shirt then head to the door when i open it i see Yancanu he seems diffrent from the past
Yancanu: grey buddy how you been irus called me and told me you was here to i took the next flight here as soon as i could
Grey: yancanu old pal ive been good how have you been you seem like you have seen some changes
Yancanu: ive been great and yea being a mercenary and all you have to change abit
Grey: how did you land a job as being a mercenary?
Yancanu: i landed on there planet had to fit in and make money i worked jobs but seen being a mercenary paid much better and i have enjoyed the work
Grey: seems like you habe had your share of luck how long ago did you open
Yancanu: yea i have and about a couple of months after irus
Grey: oh so you have been here for a long time to
Yancanu: yep not all of it was easy but i made it
Grey: yea i just opened and am working as a soldier now
Yancanu: yea being a soldier and a leader always suited you
Grey: just my field of work i geuss
I invited him in and he walked in and looked around for a couple if seconds
Grey: we can talk in my bed room the mids are playing in the living room
He looked at them as we walked to my room he just smiled and waved they did the same back when we got in the room i sat on my bed and he sat in a chair in the corner of my room
Yancanu: so i heard about alla
He said in a sadden voice
Grey: yea its a sad time but we all have to continue our lives cant stay stuck in one place for to long can be dangerous
Yancanu: yea i understand
Grey: so how did you escape horsola
Yancanu: i was in my house cleaning my guns when a loud sound came from outside and i opend my door to see what it was a drop pod or what ever they call it landed on a house next to mine i went back in and put my gun back to a case in parts i had to use my back up pistol i had to kill a couple but i made it to the exodust chambers seemed like they where destroying it pretty fast horsola wasn't as strong as it normally was then they had all the luck they needed that day
Grey: yea seems like we all were pretty relaxed when it happen
Yancanu: yea irus was at the armory doing lored knows what
Grey: he hangs around it often or well he did
Yancanu: yea
We spend about 20 mins reminiscing over our past
Yancanu: well i got to get going i have things to do and i wouldnt want to miss them ill visit you some other time
Grey: alright ill see you then hope we run a fee missions together
Yancanu: yea
He stands up and i follow him to the door when he leaves i lock the door then i get a message from on my phone i open it and see what he said i tap the add freind icon next to his name and read the message saying oh grey i forgot to tell you that i live on the planet haulos in the capital i live near the golden end bar but if you ask anyone they could tell you where i am i m a pretty stand out person here and a often used mercenary. I send him a message back saying ok next time i might visit you instead and see how it is over there. He sent me a message back saying yea that would be cool but this place is full of mercenarys theifs and others with mischievous behavior i sent a message back him saying got it i put the phone back in my pocket and go back to my room and lay on my bed i layed there for a moment and rested until i fell asleep i was dreaming of walking in a dark purple void i begin to walk around until i start hearing a ominous voice
Ominous voice: you are loosing
I shoot the void a look of confusion
Grey: what do you mean
Ominus voice: success will only be in my favor
I begin to fell worried about this
Ominous voice: you are no longer the one you where
Grey: what do you mean by that
I say as i come to my composure
Ominous voice: you will find out when it is your time
I wake up in a sweat and a jump i scare auriel and carla that where standing at the foot of my bed
Grey: oh sorry for scaring you but what are you doing in here
The look at each other and see which of them is going to talk
Carla: there was a purple light coming from your room so we came to see what it was
I looked at her with a confused look and try to think of what it could have been
Carla: when we came in you had like little purple fire coming from your eyes and a little in your hand
I looked down feeling disquiet i knew what is was now it was the corruption of my powers i hadn't been able to maintain the steadyness of it and it had became unstable i know i would eventually become corrupted with the spead of it but it was only a matter of keeping it under control and trying to find a cure for it
Grey: you two go back in there i need to rest and dont come in here if you see it again
I looked at the clock it was past the bed time
Grey: you two should be in bed
Auriel: we cant sleep
Grey: well you gotta try and give it time
They sighed and left the room both going back to there rooms i sat and looked at the ceiling for a while
Grey: is this how its going to be? Will it change? How soon will it be what disasters will it cause so many questions so little answer ill have to talk to irus tomarrow
I roll over and try to go to sleep i plan on talking with irus about this he knows alot over this kind of stuff i shut my eyes and fall back asleep after some time

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