Part 5: Identity

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Holy moly THANK YOU FOR 66 READS!!! This book was just for fun I'm not expecting to have reads!! This made my day!! So...Here us the chapter y'all been waiting for!!

"Oh, how rude of me! My name is

Hinata Shoyou..."

*Hinata's POV*

I went in the principal's office knocking first of course,


I went in the neatly organized office and then bowed to show my respect to the principal

"Thank you for accepting me in this school, Mr. Tatsuya"

"It is our pleasure, Prince Shoyou" The principal bowed

"Just Shoyou Mr. Tatsuya, It makes me uncomfortable when someone calls me that!" I said with my signature smile

 Tatsuya, It makes me uncomfortable when someone calls me that!" I said with my signature smile

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(like dis☝️)

"Oh ok Shoyou, Please take a seat" He said handing a seat near his desk

I take my seat so did Mr. Tatsuya, we chatted with the principal for a while.

"Karasuno High is glad to have a new student, A royale student!" He said

"It is an honor Mr. Tatsuya, I am also glad to have my school year here!" I told the man politely, He then gave me a piece of paper that I took of course.

"This is your schedule, Your locker number and combination is at the back of the schedule" Mr. Tatsuya simply explained

I simply just nodded

"And since you are the famed 'Demon of the battlefield' you are excused on not coming to school or practices if your going to join a club of course." Mr. Tatsuya said with a serious face

"What about my identity of being....a royal?" I hesitantly asked Mr. Tatsuya

"Like the letter said..We teachers will keep this a secret to all the students of the school." He smiled warmly at me

"Thank you Mr. Tatsuya I appreciate that." I bowed and excused myself so I can go to class

I walk out the office and looked at the schedule the principal had given me

7:00-8:00 || English

'English huh? This is going to be easy-peasy' I glanced at my phone


'Welp I have to find my way to English class or else I'll get detention.. Don't want that to happen!' I thought while I roam around the halls to find English room

*Time skip brought to you by Yachi's Cuteness*

'6:55....Class is almost starting and i haven't found English class ye— wait nevermind I found it' I facepalm and opened the door. Everyone looked at me with confused looks on their faces  then I saw that Sensei Yumi was already there on her desk

"Ah! Sorry Sensei Yumi I'm late I got lost in the hallway whilst trying to find the English class!" I said while bowing in a 90° angle

"Its alright Shoyou, its good to finally meet you!" She said bowing in a 90° angle everyone was so confused and went wide-eyed, we both stood up right

"Please introduce your self to the class, Shoyou" Sensei Yumi said like nothing happened

"Good morning! I am Hinata Shoyou! Hope you take good care of me!" I said smiling warmly and then bowed

"Great now class intruduce your self!"

*After the introduction cuz I'm a lazy potato*

"You can sit down beside Tadashi. Tadashi please raise your hand"

"Hai" The brownish-greenish haired boy said raising his hand

I went beside him and English class started. Few minutes later and class ended so quickly.


Words: 579 words

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