Part 11: Slits

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..Even if it costs him his life..

*Third Person POV*

"Hinata? Hinataaa~~" Tanaka snapped his fingers to gain Hinata's attention and it worked


"You look kinda worried you good?" The spiker worriedly said

"Oh! I'm good"

Tanaka wanted to ask what was bothering him but Daichi yelled to get everyone's attention

"Okay guys! Gather up! I have something to announce!"


Tanaka just shrugged it off and gathered up to the front along with the others

"So I gathered you guys because we are going to have a practice match to test your skills"

There was silence but Hinata was very excited because he will have his first practice match.

"We will split the first years in two, so two groups and 2 memebers" Suga said appearing out of nowhere

"Tsukkishima, Yamaguchi first group , and Hinata and Kageyama second group"

They went to their positions (here is their positions btw)





Tsukkishima(first one serving)

(So I dunno how to do this but I'll try to. also I have no idea what happened in the episode since I was forced skip the other seasons. So don't come after me please-)

First one serving: Tsukkishima

As Tsukkishima was preparing to serve, Kageyama and Hinata was on full alert, The whistle blew and Tsukkishima served, And since Kageyama was the nearest one he received it back to the other side of the net. Yamaguchi couldn't move his feet so he couldn't receive it in time. Kageyama and Hinata got the point.

Second one serving: Hinata

Hinata's POV

It was my turn to serve. I got to my stance {You know...The serving position} and somehow my vision got...


I felt my eyes turn to slits {YoU caN fEeL wHat nOw?} And my mind went blurry

Sugamomma's POV

As I was watching the practice match I watched the chi- *ahem* I mean Hinata got ready to serve and I swore I saw his eyes turn to slits but I must be imaging things... The whistle blew and then..

*Boom* {This is NOT an explosion}

The ball rolled and rolled till it stopped.

"What the..." Tanaka said with his mouth open

"T-the point goes to Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi.." Kiyoko-san said her glasses almost falling off her beautiful face

"Hinata! Are you okay?! " I ran to Shoyo worried that he might hit his head too hard

"Ugh...What the..What happened?" He answered, unaware

"You really don't remember?" Answered Kinoshita

" why am I on the floor?? Eh??"

"Uh guys we should really stop the practice match first-" I said worried

"NO! I mean...No its ok whatever happed I'm alright now" Hinata said I think he's proving that he's good enough for the volleyball team..

"....Fine..If this happens again I might have to bench you till you feel okay" {I think that's how you call it?? IDK I DON'T PLAY SPORTS-}

"Thank you! I'll do my best!"

-Timeskip to when they finished the practice match cuz I'm running out of time 😭-

~Author's POV~

"Uwah! Good match Tsukkishima!!~" The cute tangerine said to the tall blonde

"Don't call me that" The blonde said and walked away

"Awh that was mean :(" The red-head said sadly

*Ring* Shoyouu~ you have someone calling~~

*Ring* Shoyouu~ you have someone calling~~.

This caught the red head off guard and quickly ran to his bag and looked at the caller ID

'Otou~san 😗'

"Hinata! Who's that??" Suga shouted

"Ah its just Otou~san! Do you mind if I take this call outside?" Hinata asked politely

"Ah yeah sure go ahead!"


"Hello? Otou~san??"

"Ah! Hello Shoyou!!"


"Are you alone right now?" The king asked

"Yes Otou~san. I am What do you need?"

"Remember the war that was assigned to you last night? The letter? "

"Yes? What about it Otou~san?"


..To be continued..
Words: 652 words

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