Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Friends Out There Who Like Anime And Shugo Chara

I stood outside of the Royal Garden. I was kind of nervous because I thought that they wouldn't remember me . I walked in.

"I'm back everyone!!" I yelled. Amu looked at me and smiled.

"Yuki!!!!!" Amu, Tadase, and Yaya said in unison. I smiled. I looked but didn't see Kukai and Nadeshiko. In their places were two newbies. Amu hugged me. I smiled.

"Amu-chan, who's that?" a girl with blond hair and yellow eyes asked. Amu looked at her and smiled.

"Rima, this is Yuki. Yuki, this is Rima. That boy over there is Kairi," she said pointing. I waved at both of them.

"How was France?" Tasase asked. I shrugged. Sophie and Kiseki were talking and Silph and Ran were talking as well. I smiled. I walked outside. It still looks the same.

"Hey Yuki!" a voice said. I opened my eyes and looked forward. I saw Kukai standing there. "Long time no see, right?" I nodded and smiled. Sophie came out of the Royal Garden and sat on my shoulder. Daichi and Sophie started talking. I smiled. Then I noticed something, those boys who used to crowd around me were gone. But that probably only happened cuz I left. I walked back inside. Silph saw me and he sat on my shoulder. Rima walked up to me.

"What's your Character Change like?" she asked. I blinked. It had actually been a while since I Character Changed. The last time I did it was when I was last in Japan. I smiled. I looked at Sophie and she nodded.

"I welcome you to the Guardians Rima and Kairi," I said. Rima looked at me, dumbfounded. I smiled.

"What about the other one?" Rima asked.

"Ummm...... I don't really use Silph's unless I absolutely have to. Plus it's really embarrassing," I said. Rima looked at me suspiciously.

"Yuki, what class are you in?" Amu asked excitedly. I took out a slip of paper that I had in my pocket.

"Sixth grade...... Star class," I said. She looked so happy.

"That's my class!"

"Looks like we're all in the same class," Tadase said. I nodded.

"Amu! I sense an X-Egg!" Ran said. She nodded. We all ran outside. Sophie looked at me and I nodded.

"My own heart, unlock!" I said. I kind of missed the white light that surrounded me. "Character Transformation: Precious Flower!" Amu was next, then Rima. I flew up.

"Light Wand! Black Magic!"

"Tightrope Dancer!" Rima said. Amu looked at it.

"Negative Heart: Lock On! Open Heart!" Amu said. She purified the X-Egg. Amu grabbed my arm.

"What's up?" I asked. She had a glint in her eyes and I had a bad feeling about what she was gonna do.

"I'm gonna set up an assembly to announce your return," she said. I was dumbfounded. I didn't want so much popularity any more. I sighed but nodded. Next thing I knew, I was behind stage in the auditorium. I sighed. Tadase announced the Guardians as they were right now without me and the boys practically swooned over Rima. I giggled.

"Now a dear friend of ours has returned so, please help me welcome Yuki!" Sophie Character Changed with me.

"Hi everyone! It would be wonderful if you could all welcome me back to the school, I would be super excited! Thank you for being there for me when I was here last year," I said. I bowed and giggled.

"Help me welcome back, Yuki to the Guardians. Our Jewel Chair has returned," Tadase said. I waved. I walked off stage. Once again I was surrounded by boys. I sighed and put on a fake smile.

"Hi guys!" I said waving. Rima walked up to me. I smiled at her.

"You're up to something aren't you?" she asked. I blinked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. She glared at me and walked away. A few boys followed her apologizing to me. I tilted my head in confusion. I shrugged and walked out (with the boys still following me). I sighed.


I was now in class. I didn't really need to learn it, I was taught all of this in France. I sighed.

"Is there something wrong?" the teacher asked. I looked up at the chalkboard. I shook my head. The lesson ended but I didn't remember a thing. I walked outside.

"Is there something wrong Yuki?" Silph asked. I shook my head and Sophie and Silph looked worried. I sighed and walked to the Royal Garden. I stopped as I heard a rustle in the trees. I looked up and saw IKUTO?!?! I stepped back. He jumped down.

"Welcome back, former partner," he said. I looked at him but I wasn't entirely scared. I tilted my head again. I felt a drop on my head. I looked up. The clouds were dark and looming over my head.

"Well see ya around," he said. He walked a few steps as it started to downpour.

"Please wait," I said. He turned around. He was now under a tree for shelter and I was out in the open getting soaked. It didn't matter to me anyway. "I would like to ask some questions." I pulled an umbrella out of my bag and gave it to Ikuto. I grabbed another one and opened it. I started walking home. Ikuto followed. I walked in through the door. He hesitated. I urged him to walk in since nobody was home, plus, my mom and dad wouldn't mind if I had a friend over. I led him to my room.

"Where are your parents?" he asked.

"Work," I said simply.

"Aren't you lonely?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I thought I was supposed to be asking you the questions," I teased. He shrugged.

"Ask away."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why should I answer that? Aren't you the enemy?" I pouted and he smiled. I looked at the ceiling and smiled.

"I don't even know if I'm the enemy. I don't know why I was born into this world. I still haven't understood my own purpose in life. I was just wondering why you are making people's Heart's Eggs, X-Eggs. That's what I don't understand. I know that the Guardians wouldn't like it, but, I would like you to be my friend." He looked at me. I smiled. My phone buzzed. It was from mom.
Sorry sweetie, me and you're father are caught up in work and won't be home until late at night. We love you.

I sighed.

"Is there something wrong?" Ikuto asked. I nodded.

"It doesn't really matter though. I'm sure that they probably hate me or something, that's why they come home so late. They almost always act as if I'm invisible or something," I whispered. "That's all. You can leave if you want." Ikuto stood up and left. My phone buzzed. It was Ikuto.
Hey, if anything's wrong, you know where to find me. We could talk about it if you want. I mean, we are friends, right?

I smiled.

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