chapter: •1•

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(this chapter is about you)

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your pov:
hello~ my name is y/n ackerman,i have a brother his
name is levi,not gonna lie he is a pain in the ass with his soo call cleaning, jeez such a cleaning freak that's my nickname for him,anyways im a student and the club i join is the wings of freedom
and this is my life in junior high.

"ugh..." i groaned and sat up "what..time"
i look at the table beside me that had a clock on it "" i quickly got out of my bed and sprinted to the bathroom i brushed my teeth
and looked at my hair "dang,i kinda look like repunzel mother when she's having a bad day."
i brushed my hair and did the rest of my routine.
(also me and levi dont live together)

"moon!time to go!" i yelled then a black cat comes
out from the bushes "there you are"it came and jumped on my head and curled in a ball(also my cat is black,with dark blue eyes) "let's go!"
i run into a street then bumped into a boy and fell
on the ground "just my luck"i thought and stood up
" im sorry!here take this-"i smacked his head hard that he fell on his knees holding it "agh!"
"eren!"the girl that was behind him started having a death aura around her,"couldn't care less",i started running away "hey! get back here!" she yelled " those must be the new students erwin was mentioning,hope they get lost"i smiled at that fact
(no,I'm not evil)

at school:
"finally~ im here~" i sang with a beautiful voice.
there we're two schools beside each other,the right
one was for students like me,and the other was for
titans "i guess let's head to erwins's office"i started walking inside the building and make a left,i knocked on his door "come in." he said,i put
on my very calm face and open it "good morning erwin." i said walking in and standing in front of his desk "good morning y/n." he said sternly
"late again,and didn't i tell you to not bring pets in school"
"couldn't help it,this cat here scares titans off
and that's a good thing"i say while petting it
he sighed "you know that you're "brother" will be mad at you right"i shrugged "can i go now"he nodded
i walked towards the door and opened it,closing it
behind me i sighed and walked to the the 4th floor
"now i need to think of a excuse to tell him"i thought and look at the door in front of me.

i open it only to be met with everyone staring at me "y/n!!" petra tackled me in a hug
"hello everyone."i greeted "hello y/n"they waved with smiles on their faces,petra let go off me
"oh!you brought you're cat!" she says happy,the cat
jumps on her head "awww~"she goes to the other side
of the room,i walked to the guys "where's levi"i asked "you're lucky for now,he went to do stuff so he'll probably be back after a few minutes" eld says while sitting on a school table" i sighed in
relief "also what was the punishment he gave you last time?"gunther asked curious.

a while back:
"levi! im sorry ok!?" i yelled as he held my gucci bag close to the water "sorry won't cut it." he said boring,bringing it a inch down "I'll do anything you ask! just not my bag!" i prayed
"anything." i nodded
he smirked "alright.."

i never thought in a million years,i would be doing
this sh*t "srub harder." he ordered while drinking tea "yea,yea.." i mumbled and scrubbed harder told you my brother would be a pain in the ass

he legit made me clean the whole school.

i shivered at the thought of that " it's nothing-"
then the door started opening "jeez four eyes wouldn't stop bothering me-"he stopped talking and
looked at me *silence* "sooo levi i may be kinda
late again you see"i say scratching my cheek
" i know. "he said nonchalant walking towards you
"I'll let it slide,only for today." he patted my
shoulder and walked towards his desk and sat on his chair

"you must've peed yourself by now" oluo said and laughed "very funny"i rolled my eyes
" don't deny it y/n,you we're so scared that you
almost felt like your soul left your body-"he bit on his tongue "AHH! OW!"we laughed at him but
levi didn't "that's what you get for blabbering to
much"petra says while giving you're cat back,it
goes on your head again "here"i gave him a cloth
" thanks... "he muffled
i may hate this guy but he's my friend so can't leave him bleeding out "miss y/n please head to the
office." the speaker said in the room
"I'll see you guys later." i waved to them while walking out "later"they all said
" now what does he want"i thought and go downstairs

couple seconds later:

"you called me." i say "yes,looks like we have a
problem"erwin said going trough some papers
"is it that bad"
"you could say that,looks like the new students
gone the wrong way" he said handing you a paper with names on them i read it and my eyes slightly
widened "wow,that boy really got lost"i thought
" you know what you need to do y/n."he said standing up "yes sir."i look at him with a boring

i was walking trough the gigantic ass hallway
"how long was it since i been here"i thought and looked at my watch "only a couple minutes left before the bell rings"i look at the classes
and stood beside a door waiting patiently
*ring* "that's my cue"i said and moved out of the way for the titans,when i spotted a couple of students being chased by one i shoot towards them
with my ODMgear they we're getting cornered
"stay back!" a guy with brown hair yelled,he doesn't even looked the slightest afraid "interesting.."his hand was slowly about to touch them,but out of nowhere i land infront of it
it looked at my cat and started running away
the students looked shocked at me like i was some
kind of super hero .

"wow!" eren yelled,i turned towards them and said "are you guys ok."
"that was amazing!"the girl with blonde hair said
but the girl behind her glared at me "wait! hold on
haven't we met before!?" eren asked "you're
the guy i smacked"as i said that a guy with a horse
face laughed "you've got to be Kidding me eren!
you got smacked by a girl,and here you we're being
someone with a big mouth!"eren cheeks we're tinted
pink "you!-"
"shut up,and follow me. "i walked towards the exit
with them following me "huh? why are we outside?"
sasha asked "are you stupid or what." 
"you guys we're on the wrong school the whole time."i made them confused "whatever,just dont
cross this path again ,understand."they nodded
"i guess my job here is done"i was about to walk away but got stopped by a boy with a futon over
him "w-will we see you again miss?" he asked with
big eyes "maybe."i was about to walk away but got
stopped again "ugh!" i thought "wait! who are you?"
eren asked me this time while grabbing my hand
making mikasa mad af

"my name is y/n."


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