*bonus*truth or dare

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eren pov:
"alright truth or dare eren? unless you wanna be a baby and start with truth" jean smirked "hey! i'm not a baby! horse face!" i gritted my teeth
"why you!-"
"guys! quiet,my mom is asleep!" connie whispered yelled "he started it!" we pointed at each other " not to be rude but can we get this over with,im tired.. "armin said "agree"mikasa said straight forward "dare" i mumbled
"ohh~ i dare you to punch y/n tomorrow at school"jean grin in victory
"huh!?"we whispered yelled except mikasa "something wrong oh! i know your scared ~"he sang annoying
"I'm not!...fine! i'll do it tomorrow"
" hey guys! i found tons of snacks!"sasha came in with a whole pile
"i told you not to take everything!"
we face palmed ourselves.

next day:
"come on! you can do it!" they cheered
"ok stop!will you!" i yelled "sorry!"
" what's going on?"historia came "were cheering for 'poor' eren here~"jean said "why?" reiner asked "dare.to.punch.y/n."jean spoke every word clearly "are you crazy!? do you wanna get your ass kicked!" reiner yelled
"hey don't fight.." christa calmed reiner down "listen to my darling~ Christa"ymir hugged her "i mean..as long as you don't punch my lady to hard"jean winked.we face pacepalmed our selves once again.

y/n pov:
"and then he asked witch club i'm in since he said 'i wanna be just like cause your really powerful!' ha! jeez he really is a weakling"oluo laughed
" i feel like he said this 200times already "petra whispers in my ear
" it's more than that."i said boring
" good morning!"we turned around "your early today."
" it's only until afternoon you should be here"eld spoke "we know.."
"so is something wrong?" petra asked
"oi.i except you to answer when she asked you something -" oluo was caught off
"AHH!!" eren yelled making us slightly flinched "come on! you can do it!"
the rest cheered "the hell." i thought,suddenly eren came running towards
me "take my iron fist!" and..he punched my arm,everyone gasped except the rest.

"you come in here and out of nowhere punch y/n!?" my club members yelled at the same time making the others flinch.


"y/n are you ok?" petra asked worry in her voice.

"is she dead" oluo said only to be nugde hard in the stomach by petra

i look up since my head was facing down "im fine." they froze
"y-y/n...?" eren's group were curious on what's going on.

"i-is she ok?" eren asked nervous,petra and the rest moved out of the way.

they're eyes were wide open with their mouth were hanging(except mikasa)
i smiled "we need to do something about that 'iron fist' of yours." i walked towards them then stopped "huh uhm..yea..?"

no one pov:
the sun was going down "how..many left..." eren managed to speak out
"1.." they said "alright your done for today head home." we heard y/n talking "u-understood!"
we fell on the dirt breathing heavily "t-this is your fault jean.." i spoke
"s-sorry everyone..." jean mumbled but loud enough to hear

"come on guys you don't regret it do you? i don't" jean yawned
"i mean her smile was beautiful" Connie said
they agreed.
"i guess it's nice to know that she can smile in front of us"christa smiled
ymir secretly rolled her eyes "i guess.."

"i want to know more about her.."

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