The Chemist

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"C'mon ! Just one race, up the hill and back" Liam drags my arm down the trail, "Why just ran throught forest, around the border of the cliff and back? I'm..really..tired." I gasp for air. "Fine, then teach me how to.." "Be quite?" He glares at me. I stare back.

"I'll teach you how to fight a bigger werewolf, Lord help you when you do." we walk into an open space in the woods, "Okay, pretend this tree, is an Alpha. They have more strength and speed than you do, but what do you have that they lack of." He thinks for a couple of minutes. But he shrugs his shoulders instead, "Heart. Every Alpha wants something, it's either Power, Strength, or Respect. It's rarely the last one."

I show him different ways of attack and defence, "But what happends if it's a hunter?" I grab my bag and take out my daggers, "It depends...who are you attacking." Liams eyes widen, "Are those yours?" I hand him the knifes, "Wow, their heavy." He glides his index finger on the edge, blood drips down. "It took me sometime to get used to them, I left a trail of blood when I did."

I move aside, "Go ahead, try it." He aims to the 'Alpha' and misses. He tries it again, and misses. "Here." I hand him the dagger again, "Make sure you even out the weight, you don't want too much on the left than the right, it messes up your aim." He mimics my motions with the knife, and when I throw it so does he. "Haha!" The knifes are right in the middle, "You have any other ones?" I look to my side, "What, Daggers? Yes. And No I'm not teaching you how to shoot a gun." He sighs.

"So Chris Argent tought you how to Hunt, while Derek's mom tought you how to control your abilities?" I nod to his responce while still enjoying my tacos. "So, will you ever teach to hunt like you." I stop mid-bite and look up at Liam. "...I want you to control your werewolf side before I bring you near any hunting gear, especially mine." He takes a sip of his drink, "Did your old pack ever learn?" I stare at Liam in the eyes, "Who's been telling you about this?" He looks down at his plate, "I hear it from Derek."

I bite my lip, 'Derek!' I keep my cool infront of Liam, but on the inside I want to throw a dagger at Derek. "No, they didn't really know about that side of me, except-" He waits for my answer, "Except for who?" I focus my eyes on Liams jacket, "A friend, a really close friend."

"Can you get to the hospital, I need you help with something." My mom. I speed up my driving and race down hill. "Woaah." Liam is beside me, "Um why are you such in a rush?" I stop at a red light, "My mom needs me."

"Melissa McCall?" I tell the nurse you hands me a peice of paper, 'With Deaton, in Morgue.' I thank her a go up to the elevators. I pass by some windows and walk through the morgue doors, my mom is helping Deaton with a sick beta. He leans to the side and vomits black goo.

"Mom." She turn to me and points me over to her. I stand near Satomi, who looks at me in awe. She smells of anxiety, "I feel that the same thing is happening at the school, Sav can you call your dad or Parrish and ask about Scott." I reach for my phone and text Parrish, who texts me immediately. 'He is locked up in the tents inside the school.'

The beta that my mom is helping in the room dies. Satomi softly cries, and Deaton comforts her. After Satomi calms down, Deaton performs a craniotomy on Satomi's dead beta. "I think I know what we're dealing with, Scott and the others will die without an antidote."

My mom hands me a folder, 'BRAEDEN,' I give her a look, "What's this for?" She tells me to check up in her to see if she is awake.
When I make my way up to the 6th floor, I open the door too see Derek by her bedside, He smiles as he watches her sleep. She wakes up and he jumps up from the bed. "Why are you still here." He stands up, "I'm protecting my investment."

I cough throught the awkward moment, "Sorry, to interupt your...I came in to check up on you, since the nurse has her hands full, literately." Braeden explains to me, and Satomi, what she found in her packs hidding spot. Derek, Satomi, and I leave the room and head back down to the morgue.

"The virus is a variant of canine distemper, 40% of the wolf population in Yellowstone National Park was killed a few years ago during an outbreak of the disease." My mom wonders aloud what it will do to our wolf population.

"The virus has been altered to infect quite a bit faster or, as Derek put it as, the virus has been weaponized. Satomi did not get infected, meaning she might be the key to a cure." All of us in the room turn to her.

"My pack was attacked by another assassin with a gun...You look so much like Talia, I used to visit the House often before the fire." Derek stands beside me, "I remember, You used to bring that stinky tea." I chuckle, "Talia used to force that down my throat."
Satomi focuses on me, "Why?" I raise my eyebrows, "I got sick after I became immune to vemon, it infected my whole body making me paralyzed. She thought that the tea would help..and it did."

" It was Wild Purple Reishi." "The tea inoculated you against the vemon, it could possibly have done that to you Satomi." Deaton walk in behind us, "We still have some of the mushrooms in the vault."

Derek and I are heading to the school, Satomi reminds him of the other member of her pack still sick at lookout point. At that moment a girl in her early 20's, exits the elevator, gun in hand. She fires on the 3 of us. Derek dives in front of me, I reach behind me and fire back at her, shooting past her head. Satomi simply dodges the bullets, matrix style, while walking right up to the girl. She stabs the girl in the neck, killing her.

"Your gonna have to teach me that later," I point back to what she had done. Derek gets up and follows us down the Elevator.

"Stiles, Where are you?" I walk ahead of Satomi and Derek, "The vault, why?" I stop in the middle of the street, "There is a jar of mushrooms in the vault, It's probably on the shelfs. You need to open the jar." And I lose signal. "Dammit." Satomi now stands beside me, "Their in your families vault." Derek's face stiffens, "How?" "I don't know but I have to go."

I run to my already started engine, and head to school.

Once I get there, My dad and Stilinski are the first one's I see. "Dad!" He turns around to greet me in a hug. We see the CDC walk out of the school letting us know that we can come in now, "I'll find Scott." I run the oppisite way Lydia is going. I see the Vault and retract my claws, I turn the symbol and enter, "Scott ! Stiles !" I run down the hallways, "Scott!" He sits next to Kira, "Are you two okay?" Malia stands up and leaves Stiles, I look at malia leave the vault, "...She's Peter's Daughter." Scott whispers, I'm taken back by the surprising news.

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