A is for Acorn

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"Percy, don't tell me you forgot about our date," Annabeth said smiling a little at Percy's reaction. It changed from confusion, shock, embarrassment then to confidence.

"Of course not Wise girl...Just wait two minutes." And that was how Annabeth found herself waiting in front of the Poseidon cabin on a regular camp day as the rest of the campers headed to their regular activities. 

"It's fine if you forgot. Let's just go eat lunch. I'm hungry!" Annabeth called through the door, now tired of waiting for a few minutes.  The door suddenly opened, showing a smirking Percy.

"I didn't forget." He said with a smug smile. He showed her a blanket and a basket that was unmistakably filled with food. "Come on!" Annabeth reached to grab the basket, but instead, he switched arms, carrying everything on one arm to grab her hand. She hoped that her cheeks still looked neutral. They ran forward, Percy leading the way, hands still entwined. They came across what looked like a dead-end, surrounded by boulders. Annabeth stopped, ready to have their picnic right there, but Percy gestured her to come near this one large boulder. 

"What's this?"

"I was walking near here the other day and I wanted to show you!" His excitement glowed like a burning fire. He touched some ivy that was hanging from the large rock and his hand went through. No, it didn't go through. Annabeth though. It was an entrance covered in ivy. Percy rushed in, dragging Annabeth behind him. Annabeth felt her breath hitch as she looked around at this place in amazement. It looked like a cave, but it wasn't. The walls looked beautiful with flowers and vines crawling all over them. The ground was full of green grass with a few dandelions and a large oak tree aside. Annabeth looked up and saw the sky. She realized that the boulders were probably surrounding them.

"Percy. This place is amazing!" Percy rushed closer and gave her a short and sweet kiss.

"Let's have a picnic." He whispered. They both settled on the blanket and started eating the carefully packed lunch that Percy prepared. As they chatted and laughed, Annabeth noticed an acorn fall from the tree and hit Percy on the head. "What was that?" This was when she noticed that acorns were littered around the oak tree. This was also when she got an idea. It seemed like Percy had the same, seeing as when she jumped up and ran to the oak tree, Percy was already on her tail. Grabbing a handful of acorns, she threw them skillfully at Percy, only to have a handful of acorns hitting her back.

"Hey!" They spent the rest of their time having an acorn fight, sometimes skillfully dodging. A few minutes later, they sat down side by side on the blanket looking at the sky, leaning on the tree.

"I totally won the acorn fight," Percy said as if nudging her to respond.

"No way. I got you way more times than you did."

"That was only because you used the blanket as a shield!" Percy accused grinning.

"So you admit it. I won!" Annabeth said kiddingly.

"But you have to admit Wise girl, this date was pretty awesome."

"Sure, Seaweed Brain. It was pretty amazing. But now you'll have to call me the Acorn Champion now" Annabeth said teasingly before Percy's lips gently touched hers.

"Love you, Wise girl."

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain."

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