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"Alright, tell me again why you couldn't just hire movers?" Jimin asked while heaving another box onto the table.

"Why spend money on movers when you can have your friends do it for free?" Taehyung countered with a grin, standing next to Jeongguk as they unpacked a box.

After officially dating for just over a year now, Jeongguk asked Taehyung to move in with him...again. Taehyung, spending the night at his boyfriend's apartment most nights anyways, decided it wasn't such a bad idea.

"Alright, I think this is the last of it," Hoseok grunted while carrying in a box alongside Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Oh thank god," Jimin sighed in relief, leaning against the wall. "Now come here," he said, motioning to two boys. "My body wasn't meant for such hard work," he demanded dramatically.

Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other before breaking out into smiles. They both rushed over to the younger, Hobi picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder causing Jimin to yelp, while Yoongi assisted in getting them to the couch. Taehyung watched as the three boys fell on the sofa, smiling at how silly and adorable they are.

It seemed like it was just yesterday that the three got together. After Hoseok and Yoongi started dating, Yoongi had to accept the fact that his boyfriend and Jimin were still friends. And after many movie nights with all the boys and their casual get togethers, Jimin and Yoongi had the opportunity to get to know each other better, and they found out they had quite a bit in common. So one thing led to another and they decided to try it out. Taehyung remembers how confused Jimin was, not wanting to act on his feelings and to potentially break the two up, but he really liked them, so he agreed and gave it a shot. Now, five months later, they still seem to be doing well, and Taehyung couldn't be happier for his friends.

"Guys the snacks are ready!" Jin yelled as he walked out of the kitchen. Seokjin had decided that lifting boxes was no task for a man of his skill level, so he decided to do what he does best, cook. Because 'who doesn't want a snack after moving boxes?'

The boys laugh together and relay funny stories as they eat their snacks in the living room. "Okay but let's not forget about Tae walking into the wrong class!" Jimin exclaimed, holding his hand in front of his mouth as he chews his food.

"Hey! None of you have the right to tell that story! No one was scarred as much as me that day!" Jeongguk defended himself. Taehyung nudged him in the side with a playful angry look on his face.

"Hey!" the older exclaimed. "I thought you liked my nudes!"

"Taehyung, how many times do I have to tell you? They weren't your nudes!" Jimin argued.

"Tae, honey, Jimin's right," Jeongguk started, throwing his arm across the older's shoulders. "Although I'm sure I would love your nudes, I do not enjoy Thanos'," he said seriously. "You know, I used to love marvel. I used to love the avengers. But I haven't been able to watch a single Marvel movie since you sent me those. I tried once but almost started vomiting at the sight of Thanos. So thank you, for ruining my favorite movies."

"Awwww," Taehyung said with a smile. "You're welcome!" Everyone chuckled, minus Jeongguk who was rolling his eyes, but kissed his boyfriend on the cheek nonetheless.

"Okay but despite me ruining your favorite movies, aren't you glad I sent those?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes. "Because if I had never sent them, then we probably wouldn't have met until Namjin's wedding!" he exclaimed.

"We're not even married," Namjoon said, confused as to what he was talking about.

"Exactly!" Taehyung exclaimed. "We wouldn't even know each other right now!" he said, proving his point.

Everyone hummed, agreeing that he was technically right.

"I suppose it's the same for us too," Jimin realized, looking at both boys on either side of him adoringly.

"May I just be the first to say thank you to Taehyung? I appreciate you ruining Jeonggukie's childhood," Hoseok smiled happily.

Jeongguk scoffed. "Mhm whatever," he rolled his eyes, pretending to be mad, but one look at the cute boy next to him made him stop. He sighed. He really loved Taehyung. And he's glad they met.

Jin cleared his throat. "Yes, okay, you all are cute, but Namjoon and I are cuter," he stated defensively, causing everyone but Namjoon to break out into a disagreement.

"May I remind everyone I gave Jeongguk Tae's number?" Namjoon pitched in, causing everyone to go quiet. Without Namjoon, Jeongguk wouldn't have gotten Tae's number. And Hoseok never would have found Jimin. Although it's possible they could have met on their own terms, who knows how long that could've taken?

"God bless Namjoon," Jeongguk whispered.

"God bless Namjoon," everyone chorused in agreement, leaving Namjoon with a content smile on his face. He's happy to have done his part.


"In all seriousness," Jeongguk said that night as they lay next to each other in bed, Taehyung using Jeongguk's arm as a pillow. "I do really love you. Despite you ruining my favorite movies," he added. Taehyung thought he would never let that go. He decided he'd have to force him to watch them again and get over his fear of a naked purple guy.

Taehyung chuckled, turning his head to look at the other. His hair was getting kind of long, but Taehyung didn't mind, he loved it. Reaching out, he brushed a strand behind his ear, moving it away from his face. Jeongguk turned towards him, meeting his eyes.

"I love you too," Taehyung whispered. Jeongguk smiled, he never thought he'd get used to those words, and maybe that's a good thing. He leaned over and kissed the older, pulling back softly and bringing his other hand over to caress his cheek as they stared into each other's gaze.

"I do have one question though," Taehyung asked softly while breaking the silence.

"What's that?" Jeongguk asked, still looking at his beautiful brown eyes.

"When you have dreams...like, you know, those dreams-sexy dreams," he clarified, confusing the younger but still going on, "Am I in them?"

Jeongguk was stunned. What kind of question was that? Of course he'd be in them...but again, why was he asking this question? Did he think Jeongguk was cheating on him? So he asked, "Of course it's you, but why are you asking this?" he frowned.

"I don't know," Taehyung sighed. "I guess ever since we met, I've had a fear of you leaving me. And then I thought, well, what if the person in your dreams wasn't me...what if it was-." He stopped talking, looking into Jeongguk's eyes.

"What if it was who, Taehyung?"

"What if it was Thanos?" He asked seriously, before breaking out into a huge fit of laughter at the shock on Jeongguk's face.

Jeongguk, who was in so much disbelief, stared at Taehyung with an open mouth of betrayal. Without realizing what was about to happen, Taehyung was suddenly underneath Jeongguk as the younger started tickling him, causing his laughter to mix with squeals. Jeongguk kept muttering how he 'couldn't stand' the older and he 'deserved this'. But Taehyung didn't care. It was worth it. Everything with Jeongguk was worth it. And that's what he was thinking as he went to bed that night, and every other night to follow. He loved Jeongguk, and he was worth it.


Next chapter for an author's note<3

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