The Robbed Love of Persephone

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Hey Everyone!  Im back to writing again and i wanted this story to finally start before i start updating all my other stories because it's been sitting in my drafts for awhile... anyways, this is one of my favorite stories that i have written, I have always LOVED greek myths and i enjoyed writing this piece.  So i hope you all enjoy and it's really short because i wanted to see what you guys think first before i write anymore :D



I was walking through the field that was behind my mothers house, when she called "Persephone, come back here!"

"But mother! I'm only at the sunflower patch!" I yelled back frustrated.

"Come here, or i will go over there and drag you!" She screamed back. My mother was very protective of me, and i mean i was already 18! Aphrodite was already bringing back men at age 13 for the love of gods!

"Yes, mother"  I trudged toward her but was thankfully knocked over by Hermes who squealed like a girl. "Lets run for it!"

Laughing as we ran for Hermes temple to escape my mothers wrath.  I surprisingly kept up with Hermes and finally made it to the temple without reprocautions of my mother.

"Demeter needs to be faster to catch up to us" Hermes laughed.

"She was caught off guard" I responded between laughs.

"Whatever you say" He smugly replied.

"Let's go up to Ol-" I was cut off when Hermes scooped me up and and teleported into the ever growing fields of Olympus.

"Persephone!" A familiar voice yelled.

I jumped from Hermes and ran towards my bestfriend Artemis who was running like a maniac and drew the attention of Apollo who was just landing in his gold chariot.

Artemis ran right into me and knocked me off my feet.

"I missed you!" Artemis giggled.

"Don't suffocate her" Apollo stepped in front of us.

"Shut up" Artemis scowled and let me out of her grip.

When i finally stood up, i was engulfed in a warm embrace that lifted me off my feet.

"And you said that I was suffocating her" Artemis pouted.

"Apollo! put me down!" I laughed, struggling to breath.

"You never visit us!" Apollo set me down and scowled down at me.

"You know how hard it is to get away from my mother" I looked down at my feet.

"Well now your here and i think we should get you ready for the party tonight" Hermes wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"What party?" I had no idea their was going to be a party tonight in Olympus, well they do have them often...

"Party to celebrate the millenium of the gods rule" Artemis exitedly squealed.

"Yeah, thats why I kidnapped you" Hermes squeezed my shoulder and sprinted away.

"Lets get you ready" Artemis wrapped around my arm and pulled me towards the golden building.

"I'll see you tonight" Apollo winked and took off in his huge chariot.

"Come on!" Artemis skipped all the way to her humoungous room that was located in her own wing.  

Two Hours Later

Artemis worked on my appearence for a long time and decided to put me in a baby blue chiton that revealed a bit of the top of my chest and had slits on the side of my thighs.  She also tied my long golden hair onto the top of my head and put the white flowers that i conjured on the sides of my hair. When my mother see's me in this outfit she is going to throw a fit.  My mother has always forced me to wear a long white plain dress that covers everything.  And never allowed me to wear anything different.

Lost in thought, i walked down the intricate halls towards the great hall that was producing alot of music and voices.  I was all alone because Artemis had to bring the damn moon up into the sky and left me to enter all by myself.  I was getting pretty nervous because i never spend anytime with the gods so i was sort of an outsider.

Once i opened the great hall doors i was greeted with the sight of gods, minor gods, and a few other creatures that were most likely allowed because of the extravagant event.  All eyes stared at me and the first to approach was Ares who held out his arm and led me through the drunken crowds.

"Did you get my gift?" Ares whispered in my ear.

"My mother intercepts all my gifts that were sent by men" I whispered back.

"That's a shame" He was about to say something else but my father walked right up to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Persephone! Its been a long time!" My father smiled brightly down at me.

"I missed you" i smiled widely.

"As have I, daughter, by the way your mother has just arrived and she looks as if she's fuming" Father's eyes stared ahead.

I turned around and watched as my mothers intimidating eyes had found me and advanced towards me.

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!"  Mother yelled at the top of her lungs.

I cowered behing my father in fear of my mothers rage.

"Let her be Demeter, she is old enough to make her own decisions" My father's strong voice gave me hope.

"I am her mother and she is only eighteen years old!" My mother screamed.

"Be quiet woman!" Zeus's lightning struck outside and smothered the sounds of the party, everyone went deathly still.

My mother glared at me with fear and anger then turned around and stomped off into the crowd that had become more lively and loud.

"Thank you father" I looked up and saw the remanence of regret in his eyes.

"No problem darling, now you go and enjoy the party" he smiled and walked off towards the buffet table.

Not long after, Apollo had greeted me and convinced me to dance with him for three songs and finally i slipped away to the outside balcony to catch my breath.

I was looking over the balcony watching the stars when a deep velvety voice spoke behind me.

"What are you doing here alone in the dark, Goddess of Spring?"

I quickly turned around and met with the most beautiful dark blue eyes that i have ever seen.

I stared at the man before me who looked to be taller than six feet and wore all black armour that made his pale skin glow.  He was very muscular but he was not burly like the other olympians, he had a more lean shape that made him stand with utmost poise, that could easily be switched to a lethal stance .  His eyes contrasted to his pitch black hair and i could not take my eyes off of him.

"Well?" He waited for an answer.


Sorry to cut the story off short but i really wanted to see what kind of reviews ill get and i also have to write for my other stories ^.^ So hopefully you liked it and write the next chapter soon!


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