The Decision

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A.N. Guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Um...I have no excuse I just had a bit of writer's block, but I finally have the story fully ready now so...HERE'S THE NEXT UPDATE!!!

Ben P.O.V.

"Do you want to be tortured or join SPYDER?"

A women says with a red-hot metal. It symbolizes joining of Spyder and usually people don't do thing but as payment for what I have done it is especially hot just for me. Its either I be tortured or join SPYDER.



She grabbed the red hot metal and pressed it into my back. IT HURT SO MUCH!!! But I cannot say anything. It will give a sign of weakness and I cannot have any weakness. 

Everyday she came in with a new torture device and everyday I forced myself to endure the pain. 

Several years past and several new torturers and Joshua came to torture me. He grabbed an ointment and rubbed it all over me. 

"What does it do?"

"You'll see."

Few minutes later the ointment started to burn on my body and the acid started to eat on my body slowly getting rid of more and more of my skin. IT WAS THE WORST. I finally gave up to the pain and told him,

"I will join SPYDER."

"Excellent, we will set up the trainers for you to train with. Also, get you some food."

All I was able to eat while imprisoned was some weird mixture. I was pretty sure it was made of potatoes or something like that, but the texture was weird.

The first trainer was a guy. He forced me to run 20 miles everyday or I do not get food. He forced me to do 150 pushups or I can't get water. He forced me to do 150 sit-ups or I don't get sleep.

The next trainer was also a guy. He was a bit more lenient, but still forced me to do the same as the other trainer forced me to.

My third trainer was a guy as well and he taught me to fight. He forced me to always push myself and constantly fight him. Eventually, I beat him and then my next trainer came. 

My last trainer was a girl. She was much more kinder and she was very pretty. I learned to hid my emotions and to hid my feelings for anyone and so she could have thought that I didn't like her or something like that. She was blonde with light blue eyes. She was shorter than me but she was amazing at fighting as well. Compared to other trainers I got really close with her. At first I just thought she was pretty but she was also really funny and friendly. Whereas Erica was cold she was kind and caring. It was hard to believe she was evil... 

She taught me how to shoot and under her I became the second best shooter. It took lots of time and concentration, but I wanted to impress her and learned how to shoot a gun pretty quickly. 

Later, I was going to go on a mission. It was to take a deal with a politician? I don't know all I have to do is take the deal. I am what you call "hot" now as I have a six-pack and hair grew sort of longer and turned to brown hair and my eyes turned green. For some reason, I always felt uncomfortable around other girls and felt comfortable around Jessica.

A.N. Jessica was a random name I just picked. IDK WHAT I SHOULD NAME HER!!! TELL ME!!!

Erica P.O.V.

It has been 4 years since I had an accidental moment with Jacob. He turned out to be a simp. I HATE HIM. (Btw Simp means, "Man that prides himself with "Chivalry" in hopes of getting sexual gratification from women.")

Recently news of a new super evil spy and anyone that sees the spy either is killed a horrible way or is so shocked they paralyze. Mike had seen the spy and was so shocked that he just was paralyzed. He lost his way of speaking and is mute. He doesn't talk and he barely does anything. He became incompetent and Zoe is extremely worried on who it is to make Mike shocked. Mike graduated top of his class and was assigned the mission because Zoe and I were busy. If Ben was still alive he might have taken down the super evil spy. Soon after he left the CIA school grounds he was taken by men in black suits. I saw them take him into a cell and in that cell they tortured him. He was then murdered. The body was too damaged to make sure if that was his, but I was pretty sure that it was and so forensics would ever change that fact. (Thing is that the only way to check if it was Ben's body was by the teeth. They took some teeth from Ben using the painkillers and amnesia and sleep drugs inside of food that he ate, you know, the weird food. They would always take a tooth and replace it with a fake tooth. He lost 3 teeth and the put the teeth in the dead body.)

Jessica P.O.V. (Bet you didn't see this coming)


He used to be a skinny really smart nerd, but now he looks more hotter than a jock but is a nerd. All the girls try to get close to him but because I like him they couldn't dare touch him. I am one of the higher ups of SPYDER and even though I may seem like an air-head but only few and Ben know that I am definitely not. In fact the slightest thing wrong and I will kill anyone. When Ben is around, I feel much calmer and will never snap back at someone. I have a crush on him. I hope he likes me too. 

A.N. 989 words!! Crazy record from me!!!  THANK YOU @AsianRebelLeader and  @chausafi813 for commenting first! Actually @AsianRebelLeader commented first but I wanted to shout out both cause I can!!!

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