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Later that month

I was walking down the school hallway to my math class when all of the sudden I was being whirled around to face some one. That someone ended up being James, who was looking very suspicious and amused.

"Hey! What did you do that for? And why do you have that look on your face?" I said in a sort of squeaky and surprised voice.

"Just because it was funny to see you react that way," he said barely able to contain his laughter, "Anyway, are you busy?" he continued looking suspicious again.

"Actually, I have a class to get to if you don't mind," I flashed smiled and started walking away.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me around again. "You have got to-" I began to whine but he cut me off. "Forget about that and come with me, I wanna go for a walk. It's boring here. Please," he said with a smile that melted my heart, but I couldn't just agree to skip class with him, at least not without trying to object first. "No way I'm skipping class with you, are you crazy?" I said trying to keep a serious look on my face. "Come on, you've gotta, I'm afraid to go alone," He grinned and then made puppy dog eyes at me.

"Ugh, fine but you owe me big time for this, my mom's gonna flip," I said and smirked, "So exactly how do you expect us to sneak out of here anyway?" He just looked at me and then turned around and started walking toward a janitors closet. I followed, confused but not really caring either way. He looked down each side of the hallway and then opened the door, we both slipped inside the closet. "What are we doing in here? This is so not outside." I complained. He was moving a shelf and I was standing there in total confusion until I saw what was behind it.

"You see, you just need to trust me, I know what i'm doing. Now come on," he gestured to the exit that had moments ago been hidden by the shelf. "OK. This is so cool, I wish I had known about this exit before. I really needed an escape route from this place," I sighed as I walked through the door that James was holding open for me. "Thank you for coming out here with me," he said happy we had finally gotten out and hadn't gotten caught. "Of course, but was there some specific reason you wanted to come out here or..." I said wondering.

"Sorta, I just wanted to know how your day was going and stuff, and I just wanted to talk to you" He said looking at me in such a way that it made my heart flutter. "Oh, well thanks for asking, my day is actually going pretty interesting, considering we just snuck out of school. But besides that I had a class with one of my best friends, Claire and we were talking so much that I got detention. Also I ran into my ex in the science lab and he was saying some pretty insulting things to m-" I said explaining my day, when I was once again rudely interrupted.

"What did he say to you?" James looked angry, like he wanted to punch somebody. "Calm down, I'm fine, it doesn't really matter." I said trying to settle him. "No! Its not okay, he hurt your feelings so tell me what was said," He said a little less angry but there was no way out of telling him what happened. "First he said hi to me and then he said told me that I looked really nice. I just said thanks and tried walking away," I said getting emotional.

"He stopped me and said 'where do you think you're going, i'm talking to you' and I told him to leave me be, but then he was yelling at me about how its my fault that we broke up," I got a little teary as I told James what happened. "He also said that if I had half a brain that I would see that he was the best thing that ever happened to me... or whatever, he called me stupid and ugly and a whore or something like that, then he let me walk away..."

James was getting angrier by the second and then he said, "Why didn't you come find me? Where were the teachers when this happened?"

"Everybody had already left the class room when he came in, I don't know why I didn't get you, I didn't want you so upset. Like now," I squeaked, afraid he would get even madder. Then all of the sudden he was rushing off back to the school. "Where are you going?!" I called running after him. "To talk to Aaron" He said in a low angry voice. 'Oh No!' I thought and then ran up in front of him to block his path. "Please wait James, think about this!" I cried hoping to stop him. He stopped right in front of me, "What is there to wait for? He hurt you and he's gonna pay for it, end of story." he said and tried to keep walking. I blocked his path again "Please just wait. Don't do this in school, just wait. You can talk to him after." I pleaded. "I can'-" he started to disagree with me but I cut him off. "Please, James please, just wait, lets keep walking." I kept trying to convince him. The look on his face softened, he grabbed my hand and said "OK." and we walked back in the opposite direction again.

I had diverted that disaster but not for long. There's barely three hours left of school and I didn't know how I was gonna stop what could end up being a disastrous and explosive confrontation, but at least now I had time to think.

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