Love is Mystical (cole x jay)

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Or the 5 times Cole was kissed in an attempt to break a spell + 1 time it worked :) strap yourselves in, it's a long one folks (10k) (also some greenflame)


"You've gotten good Lloyd," Kai says, panting after their finished round of training together.

"Oh?" Lloyd asks, smiling.

"Yeah. Maybe someday you'll come close to being as good as me," Kai joked, flexing cockily.

Lloyd laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.

A few of the other ninja groan at the exchange happening before them. Kai and Lloyd would always pair up and flirt with each other during training, and bother everybody else. Especially because they weren't even together, and all they were doing was dancing around each other and annoying everyone with their mutual pining.

Jay and Cole were also paired up, but even they weren't as obnoxious.

"Lloyd, its your shift to be on bridge duty," Pixal announces, coming in from finishing her own shift.

"Alright." He turns to the others. "I'll see you guys later." And then turns to Kai, giving him a small wave before leaving.

Kai waves back shyly, and the other ninja snicker in the background at the lovestruck look on his face.

He notices and frowns. "What?" he asks, annoyed.

"When are you two gonna stop giving each other heart eyes and just ask each other out?" Jay joked

Kai sputtered incoherently. "Wh- that's rich coming from you!"

Jay, worried that he's going to be exposed, is taken off guard and Cole takes that opportunity to tackle him to the ground. "Oof! Don't change the subject on me, Kai," he warns from underneath Cole. A sight that Kai just has to roll his eyes at.

"He's right," Zane joins in, "My database suggests that there is a 95% probability that Lloyd reciprocates your feelings

Kai scoffs. "Data collected from what?"

"Just general observation," Zane smiles. "I bet even Cole noticed."

"Uh, not necessarily," Cole says after helping Jay back up. "I mean, now that you mention it, I can kinda see it."

"The only person more oblivious than Kai is Cole," Nya teased.

Cole smiles sheepishly. "Yeah. I guess you can say I'm not very experienced with that sort of thing."

"That explains a lot," Kai shoots a look at Jay, to which Jay responds by sticking his tongue out childishly. "You know, I don't think Cole's ever expressed romantic interest towards anyone. At least not explicitly."


"You're changing the subject again, Kai!"

"Okay! Maybe I am! I'm not oblivious, I'm just- kinda scared, is all."

"Hey look. He's coming back. Why don't you tell him now?"

Kai immediately straightens up, turning to lean casually on a wall as Lloyd runs back onto the deck.

"You guys. There's a situation that you all might wanna come take a look at," Lloyd says with urgency. The humorous atmosphere quickly fades as they all run into the bounty bridge, following Lloyd.

"We're getting reports of suspicious activity going on in a remote corner of Ninjago city," Lloyd explains, the Bountys map zeroing in on said location. "We've also gotten reports of people who may have been taken captive and are currently being held there. We don't know what's going on under there, but we'll assume it's something dangerous. So we're gonna need all hands on deck."

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