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It's the morning after the horrible party. Peter stayed with me the whole night, because something woke me up a few times and I kinda had several mental breakdowns. He helped me every time, literally the best brother ever. We were both really tired, but he already woke up to talk to my parents, just in case they don't think he got drunk and now has a hangover. I could feel how he didn't want to wake me up when he tried to stand up, so I pretended I didn't feel anything. This was already like an hour ago. I couldn't fall asleep anymore. Millions of thoughts were going through my head. I took my phone and started checking my social media to distract myself from all that. Maybe sending streaks to my brother wasn't a very clever idea. He texted me that he knows I'm awake now. Yes, I love him so much, but I don't want to talk about my problems when he has enough of other things happening in his life now. A few minutes later someone knocked on my door. "I don't care who you are, please leave me alone. And if it's not you Peter, I'm sorry mom or dad, I didn't mean to be rude or anything," I shouted. The door slowly opened. Oh my god. "You still don't care who I am?" It was Connor! "McDummy!" I immediately jumped off my bed and ran to him. I jumped on him like a koala and he held me really tight. "I completely forgot you were coming this weekend. And that's exactly what I needed right now." "You basically needed a hug." "Not just a hug, I needed one of your hugs. They're the best." "I know, and now you can have as much as you want." "And I want as much as possible. But let's sit somewhere first." He carried me to my bed where he placed me and then sat. "Okay, Pete already told me you're not fine, so now tell me every stupid detail about it." "Wait, did he tell only you or he told mom and dad too?" "Only me." "Good, so where shall I start? Oh yeah, maybe with the fact that my boyfriend could be easily cheating on me," I explained him the whole Jack situation. He knows every detail. There were tears in my eyes the whole time. "Oh come here, you'll need a lot of hugs to feel better," he pulled me into a really tight bear hug. I started crying. Not much, but the tears were slowly running down my cheeks. "Shhh, don't cry, I'm here for you. It's gonna be alright, time heals all. You'll see how you're gonna get better every day. Don't think of it much, everything happens for a reason, maybe he just wasn't the right for you. You're amazing, there's nothing wrong with you, Jack's just being a jerk." "But what if there's actually something wrong with me? Yes, everything happens for a reason, but what if we were supposed to be together and I ruined everything? What if he isn't actually a jerk? Maybe I'm overreacting." "Kimmy, you're not overreacting, that's a normal human reaction. You thought he may be cheating on you, so you broke up with him. You did the right thing, okay?" "I'm not sure 'bout that, but ok." We were silent for about two minutes. He still had me in his arms. Even the silence with him was calming me down. Suddenly, I remembered something. "Oh no, my dad." "He's still coaching the boys, isn't he?" "Exactly. How do I stop him? They're all mad at each other and some of them are mad at me, so that means the things between them won't go really smooth. Sooner or later he'll find out what happened and that'll be the death of them." "You really want to stop him? He'll immediately start thinking something's goin' on and he's gonna find out really soon. Wait, why don't you just tell him everything like you told me? Yeah, he's probably gonna get mad, but he'll stop coaching them." "It's not that easy. He won't stop, he'll just train them to death." "Distract him from this for a few days, we'll fix the Jack problem prematurely." "How are we gonna fix this?" "You two have to talk it out." "But he's probably super mad at me, because I'm sure it's my fault." "If he really loves you, he'll do anything to keep you, even if he's really mad at you. And if he can't talk to you, because you hurt his ego, then you don't need this selfish kid in your life." "He never even told me he loves me, I can't blame him if he doesn't." "I understand why he hasn't told you 'I love you' yet. It's because you've been dating for a short period of time and he probably thinks that you won't take it seriously. I know, it takes 4 minutes to fall in love, so it's completely normal, but he also isn't bad for not telling you the L word yet." "I don't know Con, it's like I want him back, but I also don't wanna get hurt if it turns out he's actually cheating on me." "As the older and protective best friend, I'm supposed to tell you that you have to leave it like this. But I should be honest. So, I think that you should give him a chance to explain you what exactly happened with him and this girl, because you can never be sure if you're right. Don't get me wrong, I don't think cheating is good, but I just think he didn't cheat. Jack is a really good guy who I think actually loves you, so it'd be strange if he starts cheating soon after you finally started dating." "Okay, I'm gonna talk with Jack, but first we gotta distract my dad." "You go talk to Felix, he'll listen to you." "Alright, but wait a few minutes, I really missed you," I stayed in his arms. He pressed a kiss on my head and scratched my back.


I was in my room when I saw how my sister went downstairs. Connor came to me a few moments after that. "Hey Pete, can I talk to you for a second?" "Sure, what's up?" "Kim and Jack," he closed the door behind him, "this deserves a better ending. They're meant to be together, we have to fix this." "I know, but she's not ready for that." "I know, but I have a plan." "What it is?" "You should go to your Miami house for a week." "Why do you think this is gonna help?" "Because you need to stop Felix from coaching the boys for a while. What better than family time? Felix won't be with the boys, Kim won't think about Jack, and you're going to enjoy a beautiful week in Miami. It's a win-win." "That's not a bad idea at all." "I know, but go help Kim convince your parents before Felix leaves for practice." "You're right, I'm on my way," I headed downstairs. Kim was just trying to ask my dad. "You know, I feel like you became more tired and maybe aggressive after you started coaching the boys. I totally get it, they probably getting on your nerves every practice." "Say it Kim, you're keeping me under pressure." I decided to join at this point, "we think it's gonna be nice if we go to Miami for a week. Just to get some family time and relax. Remember how we went there every Christmas when we were younger?" "Wow, I'm surprised, that's the last thing I expected you to want. But to be honest, I'd like some rest. Alice, what do you think?" "I think it's a good idea. You've been working really hard lately, you deserve to rest." "Alright, I'll call a few people and see what I can do about this." This should work. We haven't been together much since Kim and I started going out with the boys, so he'd like some family time, and he actually needs the rest, so it's a win-win, like Connor said. He went to the hockey room. "Wait a minute, shouldn't you have a practice now, Connor?" Mom asked. "Yes, but no. The coach called just a few guys and not me today, I don't have to go." "And you don't need sleep? I know Felix used every free minute to sleep." "Nah, I can sleep for 3 hours and still be fresh on the ice. But I think that all the guys who aren't at the rink are sleeping now." We all laughed at his words. Soon my dad came and started talking, "I already have a plan. You do what you wanna do with Connor today, pack your stuff tomorrow morning, we're going to Connor's game and flying to Miami afterwards. Any questions?" We shook our heads. "Mom, dad, me and Connor are going out, okay?" "Wait, wait, wait, what about me?" "Ugh, okay, mom, dad, I'm going out with Connor AND Peter." "Okay honey, but please don't be late, Connor has a game tomorrow." "Dad, are you really telling me not to be late because of Connor's game?" "Yeah, I don't care when you're going to be home when you're with Connor and Peter, I know you're always safe with them, but I care about Connor's sleeping schedule, because it can really affect the way he plays. He's spent so much time with me that I think of him as my own child, for real." We laughed at this and headed to Kim's car. "Wait, sis do you wanna drive?" "Yes, why?" Me and Connor threw terrified looks at each other and burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing?" "You know, I want to us to live. Dad wouldn't want his 3 kids to end up in a car crash." "Shut up, I'm not a bad driver." We continued laughing. "Oh my god, I hate you." "We love you too," Connor joined. We actually took my car and I was driving. "Okay that's not fair, first you won't let me drive, and now you're leaving me on the backseat." "Do you hear something, Con? Like a little girl complaining, but it's really quiet. Maybe because she's too far away from us." "Nope, my hearing isn't that good I guess." "I hate you both." "Wow, I think I heard something. She just said how much she loves us. Maybe my hearing isn't that bad." We all laughed at this stupid situation.


The boys and Kim left. Me and Alice are packing our stuff, because we want to sleep as much as possible tomorrow. "Alice, did you know something about the Miami thing?" "No, why? You have something on your mind again, don't you?" "Yes." "What is it this time?" "I think Jack and Kim broke up?" "W-What? W-Why?" "You promise you won't discuss it with her?" "I won't, I promise." "Okay. I woke up tonight and decided to look if they're back and Peter's room was empty, so he was with her. This only happens when she can't sleep, mostly because of problems. I saw an empty box of tissues in the trash. And think about it, why would she want to go out of town? Because she wants to rest. And one more thing, she wanted me, but not Jack. Me, because I'm coaching the boys. And not Jack, because they probably broke up." "Why didn't you become an FBI agent?" "Because you wouldn't marry me if I was an FBI agent." "I didn't marry you, because you played hockey and you know it." "Yeah, but I wouldn't be that attractive if I was an FBI agent." "Your job doesn't affect your attractiveness." "Okay fine, but don't tell me you don't like the hockey part of me, I know you do." "I'm not even trying. I love every part of you, even the childish one." "I love you too."

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