Ch. 01: The Giver

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"A Magnificent Love", Ch. 01 (PG-13): The Giver, December 25, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace
(an original story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace; All rights reserved)

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story with my dream cast of: Richard Armitage for Richard Thorne, Sigourney Weaver for Richard's mother Elise Thorne, Jennifer Jason Leigh for Edith Thorne Burke, Haley Atwell for Christina Gilcrist, Harrison Ford for Percy Gilcrist, Franco Nero for Count Victor Renaldi, and others]

Author's Mature Content Note: "A Magnificent Love" is story with mature themes (D for drama and S for sensuality) of love and relationships. Most chapters will be PG or PG-13. However, if you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read that chapter. This is my disclaimer.

Author's Scheduling Note: I began writing this story a few days ago, my wanting to develop a contemporary Christmas season love story. I am hoping to have it be one of my shorter stories--perhaps to conclude before the new year. So I plan to post one or more chapters per day over the next week. I am already 25 pages into writing this story. And if you read my stories with any regularity, you know by now that anything can happen when my muse takes off. So I hope that you enjoy this story--however long or short it ends up being. Ha! Holiday Cheers! Grati ;->

"A Magnificent Love", Prologue and Wattpad Description [(1) story logo, top right]

Richard Thorne was groomed from infancy to be his father Xavier Thorne's successor in their family's global medical supplies company Thorne Medical, Inc. (TMI). Handsome, intelligent, charming, hardworking, wealthy and philanthropically minded, Richard Thorne in his early forties epitomizes everything that any woman might aspire to for her life's partner. But Richard Thorne has a flaw that has not allowed himself emotionally bond with any woman for more than mere dalliance--though he has remained friends with many of his past loves, such is his allure.

Richard Thorne's flaw is that in everything he does, he seeks perfection--professionally and personally. His parents had what he deemed a perfect loving relationship. And Richard will accept nothing less for himself. But he has yet to find perfection in any woman, other than in his loved and respected mother, Elise Thorne. But perfection--like beauty--is in the eye of the beholder. And Richard will find that his definition of his perfect mate changes as he seeks to find a magnificent love.

"A Magnificent Love", Ch. 01 (PG-13): The Giver

Walking briskly down Michigan Avenue--Chicago's Magnificent Mile [(2)] --through the throng of the Christmas holiday shoppers in Chicago this blustery Tuesday, December 23rd, Richard Thorne [(3) right] is oblivious to all but his purpose as he hones in upon his destination, Barnette Chicago. It is his mother's birthday tomorrow as well as being Christmas Eve. It would be unforgivable of him to fail to provide her with a gift equaling her patrician beauty, poise, and elegance. Thank goodness his sister Edith called to remind him that it was his turn to do the gift selection this year for their annual family gift to their mother. It had completely escaped his mind due to the press of business. But now he was on a mission.

Thorne's Assistant having alerted the Barnette Chicago jewelry store about his imminent arrival, the greeter guard graciously opens the locked store entrance for Mr. Richard Thorne without him needing to slow down his pace. Richard is perhaps not a monthly customer of Barnette Chicago, but his purchases are of such distinction that he is viewed as one of their more valuable clients. Richard quickly scans the exclusive jewelry store and observes the Sales Associates standing ramrod straight at their various stations. There is only one other customer in the establishment--an elderly looking lady with an oversized hat and copious strands of pearls--no doubt real--around her neck. Richard masks the sneer that he feels for the lady wearing her wealth so ostentatiously.

"A Magnificent Love", by Gratiana Lovelace, Dec. 25, 2014 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now