❦ Chapter ➀➁.➇ : Laughs

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Alexandra's POV


❖I was laying on my bed thinking who could've taken my sword?This is strange Rhys and Pierce couldn't of or at least I think not . Noi might've been ordered to do it by Asch or maybe Ava just trying to play a joke one me , but why?

❖Sigh , it's so stressful maybe I should get some fresh air and just walk around. I get up and change in to some clothing .

 I get up and change in to some clothing

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❖Done. I walk out and see Ava in the kitchen . "Oh hi Alex , where are you going?"she asked . "Oh i'm just gonna walk around town for  bit. As soon as I said I was going out the daemos pop out . "Can we go!?"Rhys asked. Then everyone kept on asking and fighting on who would go . I wanted to go alone to relieve myself of this stress but I guess not . In the end Ava just picked one randomly and I got forced to take Asch out.

❖As soon as we got into the elevator he complained " This thing doesn't work !"he says angrily since last time he got stuck on it. "You just didn't do it right you only click one button "I say clicking on the first floor . As soon as the elevator moved Asch got scared "Ahh what did you ?!". "It's how it works calm down "I say with a small giggle at the end . His face went a little pink but he quickly turned away from me .

 ❖After a minute the elevator stopped and we got out off the building . "So where are we going now prisoner?" he asked . "Asch don't call me prisoner when were out of the house just call me Alex" he looked surprised "Isn't Alex a male name?" . "No it can be a male or female name it's just the shorter version of Alexandra or Alexander and were just gonna be walking around the town to get some fresh air"I say "So we're not gonna go anywhere"he asked in bored voice. "Yup" I say walking forward . "That's boring "Asch said walking behind me. "Well i'm sorry but that's just what I wanna do right now" I say in a cocky manner , I heard him growl at me afterwards .

❖I was walking on the side of a store when I saw bicycle's for rent my eyes glitter , Wow I remember I use to have one when my adoptive parents got me but I lost it one day and never got one again maybe I should rent one for a bit."Asch come" I say grabbing his hand he just nods and follows me into the store . "Hi ma'am how can I help you"the guy in the front desk asked . "Can we rent a bicycle?"I ask he nodded and got me some paper to sign . (Don't know how it actually works XD) 

❖After a while I got the bicycle out . "What is this Alex?"Asch asked . "It's called a bike or bicycle , and it's a form of transportation "I say inspecting the bike ."How does it work "he asked . I sat down in the front edge of the seat and patted the seat behind as a sign for him to sit down . "Sit right here " , "Don't tell me what to do" he said . "Asch stop complaining and just get on it" he growls but sits behind me anyways.Then I start cycling towards a forest road nearby with a river on the side of it Asch's eyes were glittering as he watched the river. "Are you enjoying the ride?" I ask looking behind . "I guess , it's very calming out here" . We rode for a bit longer until I got tired and stopped for a break.

❖"Is something wrong pri- I mean Alex" . "I'm just tired so i'ma take a break for a bit alright?" . He put a bored face , this guy really doesn't have any patience does he? " Hey how about you explore the forest while I rest?" I asked him . "Really!?" . "Yeah as long as you don't go to deep into the fo-"but before I could finish my sentence he was gone , what the hell , this idiot is probably gonna get lost but I wanna get rest~ Sigh If I don't come back with Asch their probably gonna get mad at me . I stand up and follow to where I saw Asch leaving to .

❖After a while I was able to find Asch he was near the river looking down at it , and I had a smart idea only idiotic people have, I should  jump scare a very easily angered and powerful daemos Prince that could probably care less if died . So that's exactly what I did , I got near him from behind "Boo!"I say pushing him a bit , but he suddenly fell down into the river grabbing me down with him as I fell on top of him I started laughing . "ALEX!"he screams angrily . "What" I say laughing even more but I stopped as he splashed water on my face then he started laughing at me , which I was surprised at .

 ❖His laugh I'd never thought that i'd hear it , it was nice , I smile at him as I look down at him since we were still on top of each other I saw as a small blush appear on his face which made me blush he looked cut- WAIT I can't be thinking like that I barely even know these peop- I mean daemos  , why do I feel this way ? . "Alex?" I hear Asch . "Oh sorry I kinda just spaced out "I say standing up from him and getting out of the river . "Are you alright ?"he asked looking at me confused . Was I, I didn't even know should I keep ignoring the feeling i've been feeling lately when near the daemos ?  . "Sorry I just keep thinking to much today" I say looking up at the sky , I look back down and extend my hand towards him "Come one were leaving" I say . He looked at my hand then at me he stayed silent but took my hand in his anyway.

❖We walked towards the bike then I remembered, Sh*t our clothes is wet "Are you kidding me?" I say staring at my clothing . "What is the problem?" Asch asked . "Our clothing is wet" I say with a sigh at the end . "And?"he asked in a cocky manner . "Were probably gonna get the bike wet and it's not ours ,and we're wearing leather clothing" I whimper . "And?"he asked again , it's gonna cost a sh*t ton of money to buy another leather jacket, you a$$hole and I don't own that much money this was just a gift!!! , I should really calm down "Nothing nothing , but still we can't get on the bike " , "Why not ? " he asked .

❖"*Heavy Breathing*Because we can't Asch okay ",why do they have to be so freaking stupid ! . "So how do we get back home?" Asch asked , I was in angry mood after probably ruining the leather jacket so I said a sarcastic comment "I don't know why don't you carry me in those strong arms of you *! that pulled us both into the water !* and get us out of here !" I say trying to dry of my leather jacket my tapping on it (I do this all the time I when get my clothing wet a little and I tap it XD ) . To my ungrateful surprise Asch to get seriously and picked me up . "Alright , but just this once " he said looking at me with a smirk on his face

❖"No wait Asch I wa-"but before I could speak he had already started running back home which surprisingly was fast and comforting , similar to Pierce but he was different he was hotter AND I DON'T MEAN AS IN THE LOOKING TYPE I MEAN WARMER OKAY READERS!!! ( After breaking the 4th wall) . After a while we were finally back home and Ava answers the door for us with me still in Asch's arm and  wet . "Oh hey you guys ar- , um what happened , why are you wet ?" Ava asked . "I don't feel like answering that right now , Asch just please leave me in my bed "I say with my eye close .

❖ "Don't tell me what to do prisoner!"he screams . "Then why are you still holding me?"I say opening one eye and looking at him , he blushes a bit and just pushes past Ava into my room , he lays me down and as he was about to walk out I say "Thank you , Asch I had fun " I say turning around away from him "Me too prisoner" he says before leaving and closing the door behind him.

☾ Later that Night ☽

Hmm why do I feel like i'm forgetting something? Meh it's probably not important .

Hmm why do I feel like i'm forgetting something? Meh it's probably not important

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(A/N) : Hey guys just in case you were wondering Asch and Alexandra are not related in any way so yeah :)

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