Somewhere in South Bridge - 3

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Somewhere in South Bride...

The boy sighs sharply as he slams his fist onto his steering wheel, causing his horn to blare. Then, as much as he doesn't wanna draw attention to himself, he rolls the window of his car down to yell at all the people blocking the road.

"Get the fuck out of the road! I'm trying to drive here!"

A group of girls giggle as they click their way off of the road, and an older man flips the boy off as he and his wife follow the group of girls across the street. There are pedestrians everywhere, and the boy regrets driving back this way. He already knew The Middle were playing the Olympia Arena tonight, and the show has just ended so the road is blocked by all the concert goers making their way home. He should have avoided this street.

He sighs and lights up a joint while driving slowly, careful to avoid any other stragglers that may run off of the curb and out into the road. He looks down at his phone where it's sitting on his passenger seat. His dad is calling him. Again. His car doesn't do hands free, so he picks up the phone and answers it. He knows talking on the phone while driving is illegal, but he's broken the law before. He couldn't care less.

"What?" He spits into his phone as a group of drunk older guys run out in front of his car. He doesn't slow down, they can either hurry the fuck up or risk getting hit.

"Where are you?" His dad asks. He sounds relatively calm for a change.

"I'm on my way back." The boy replies. He's been in North Bridge all night.


"I talked to some NBU students at a house party." The boy supplies. His dad doesn't need to know anymore than that.

"And?!" He presses, his calm tone of voice rapidly disintegrating.

"I'm making progress. I told you before. I just need some more time." The boy purses his lips as he pulls up at a red light.

"Whatever." His dad snaps. "Did you get more weed for me and Jess?"

"Yes. I'll be back soon." The boy ends the call and throws his phone down onto the passenger seat again while sighing. His dad and his aunt Jess certainly have a fucked up set of priorities. All they care about is drugs. The boy is often tasked with scoring weed for them all, and he's okay with that. He isn't okay with supplying any of the harder drugs that his father and his aunt are accustomed to, so he doesn't. They source that shit themselves, and the boy doesn't try to stop them. What's the point? It's all they care about and they aren't gonna stop doing it, so whatever.

The boy pulls up curbside outside the apartment he shares with his dad and his aunt. He doesn't refer to this place as home, although he's starting to wonder if he should. He has been living there for almost six months, after all. The three of them have been living in South Bridge for much longer than any of them intended to, and the boy can't quite believe his father's patience hasn't worn completely thin yet. He knows it's only a matter of time though. If he doesn't start giving his father something to work with, there will be consequences.

The boy shuts off his car engine and picks up his phone. He wants to look through his pictures before he heads up to the apartment. He does this every time he gets back from North Bridge, because he needs to do it in private. His car is the best place to go through his camera roll; he doesn't want his dad or Jess seeing any of the pictures he has on his phone.

The party he attended tonight was wild. It was in a huge, gated mansion in the woods. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing and the girls were ridiculous. The boy grunts to himself as he thinks about some of the girls he saw tonight, dancing and grinding on each other in that huge living room. He hasn't had sex in a while, but it's a necessary sacrifice. He can hardly fuck anyone in the tiny, shit hole apartment he shares with his father and his aunt, can he? His dad has fucked his share of women there though, with no regard for how his sister or his son might feel about it. But the boys dad rarely thinks about anyone other than himself. The boy is used to that. He also doesn't want to end up like his dad, so he doesn't care. His dad hasn't attacked anyone since he attacked that young man, at least. So that's something.

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