Chapter 7

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As they finishing up playing Baseball the three players from the Yankees had to go back to the Bronx for hitting practice and the games they have to play in. They said there Good-Byes to Aaron Rodgers and his Pup Dominick And left to head back to New York.

Dominick: That was fun time playing with them Aaron, and I like the gear that Artemi and Aaron Judge gave me.

Aaron Rodgers: Yeah it Sure was. But now there is one more sport we gotta teach you which is??

Dominick: Basketball Right???

Aaron Rodgers: Yeah that's right.

Dominick: Cool!! Who are we gonna meet that is gonna teach me basketball??

Aaron Rodgers: Well, This athlete is a great friend of mine and he plays for a team called the Los Angeles Lakers.

Dominick: Ooo sounds like he's on a good team.

Aaron Rodgers: He is on a good team and I can promise you that he will teach you well in Basketball today at the Adventure Bay Basketball Court at the Park.

Dominick: Well I hope he does Aaron.

Aaron: Don't Worry Dominick he will she then afterwards will have some Dinner and then we'll play catch for a bit.

Dominick: Ok Aaron!!

They arrive at the basketball court to see two players wearing gold and purple gear/jerseys where one of the jersey's has the last name Davis and the number 3, and the other saying James and the number 23.

Dominick: Those are the people in those jerseys right??

Aaron: Yep that's them, come on let's go.

Dominick: Alright!!

They approach the two basketball players.

Aaron: Hey Guys!!

???: Aaron you made it and I see you Brought your pup to help us teach him.

Aaron: Yep I sure did, Dominick I would like for you to meet LeBron James and Anthony Davis two players from the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers.

Dominick: Wow hi guys it's nice to meet you guys.

LeBron: Nice to meet you too Dom, We are excited to train and help you learn basketball.

Anthony: Yeah it's gonna be fun.

Dominick: Well I cant wait any longer, I'm ready to learn basketball training with you guys.

LeBron: Yeah Basketball is a great game to play and learn as me and Anthony Davis are great players on our team, and we will Yea h you to be good just like us.

Dominick: Alright I'm so ready for this *Howls and wags his tail.

Aaron: He's Ready to go!!

LeBron: Alright watch us and your owner and then you'll go and try next.

Dominick: Alright Go for it.

Anthony: Ok So the objective of this game is that you have this basketball and your job is to shoot it on those baskets with the nets in them.

Dominick: Ohh Alright That doesn't seem as bad, it might be an easy one to do.

LeBron: Alright I'll go first and then Anthony will go next then Your owner and finally you.

LeBron Goes first and takes a shot and gets it on the basket.

Dominick: Woah!!

LeBron: So That was a regular shot I took, what you can do it lay-ups, Dunks and...

Anthony: Three pointers that I'm gonna show you now

Anthony goes next as he takes a shot from behind the three point line and gets it in.

Dominick: Wow that's a great shot!!!

LeBron: Yeah That was a nice shot, but hey Aaron you think you can show Your pup a free throw??

Aaron: Sure, Alright Dom even I'm good at football like I told you I do know how to play basketball a little bit.

Dominick: Oh ok well lets see what you can do Aaron.

Aaron nods as he goes to the free throw line and makes both of his free throws.

Dominick: Ohh Pawsome, Alright I think I'm ready to make a shot

LeBron: Alright Dom lets see what you can do.

Dominick: Alright I gotta think how to do this.

Dominick urges to find a way to shoot the ball instead of his paws or his mouth and teeth. But, He thought of a way.

Dominick: Hey Why Don't I use my head to try and make a basket.

Anthony: What ever works for you..

LeBron: Yeah we want to see you try and make it.

Dominick: Alright let me try, hmmm bounce the ball in the air.

Aaron: Ok I'll do it, get ready.

Aaron bounces the ball in the air and Dominick uses his head on the ball as it goes in the air and into the basket.

Dominick: Woah, I did it *Howls*

Lebron: Nice Shot Dominick but try and give me an alley-oop pass. Which just throw the ball in the air and I can dunk it in.

Dominick: Alright lets do it

Dominick hits the ball in the air and passes it to LeBron James and dunks it in.

Dominick: Oh Yeah that was awesome!!!!!

Anthony: Yeah, How about we play a scrimmage game you and your owner against me and LeBron.

Dominick: Ok sounds Pawsome, how about you Aaron??

Aaron: Sure lets do this.

They start a scrimmage game while once again the two henchmen working for Tony were spying on them.

Henchmen 1: This pup thinks he safe from us thanks to his owner.

Henchmen 2: Yeah oh wait, the boss wants us to discuss a plan to get this pup for sure.

Henchmen 1: Ok lets head back to the warehouse.

As they left Dominick gets a little glimpse of the two henchmen which it made Dominick realize it was them.

Dominick: (talks to himself) it is then I can't believe it. I thought I escaped from those evil people.

Aaron: Hey Dominick, Who are you talking to?

Dominick: Huh? Oh...Sorry

Aaron: it's ok, come on let's play against these players and we are gonna beat them.

Dominick: Yeah Lets Do This!!!

They get set and start playing.

Things could get dark here, what could the plan that Tony and his henchmen are planning to do?? Find out in the next chapter!!!

To be continued

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