Chapter 10

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George wandered into the kitchen a few days later, to find Alex sitting on the counter, drinking coffee.
Neither man ever sat on their chairs, always finding themselves perched on the work surfaces in the kitchen, usually dangerously close to falling into the sink.

"Morning George," said Alex, without looking up.

"Hey Lex, how'd you know I was here?"

"I can just tell," Alex replies vaguely.

"Weirdo," George muttered, pouring himself some coffee.

While Alex scrolled absentmindedly through tumblr George got the chance to look at him properly.
His hair was messy and a beautiful light shade of caramel brown. It flopped into his face a little, so he kept pushing it unconsciously from his eyes.
Those eyes were trained steadily on his phone screen, the light blue grey reflecting the harsh colours of the display.
His skin was perfect and smooth, almost resembling porcelain. His soft lips, a delicate light pink. George remembered the feeling of those lips on his; warm and thrilling.
George's eyes trailed down to Alex's neck, the side of which was still faintly bruised from their make out session.

George didn't know what him and Alex were. He wasn't in too much of a rush to find out either. It was pretty clear that they were attracted to each other, but whether that attraction ran deeper into an emotional bond?
He wasn't sure.
They had been a lot closer, Alex always snuggling up to him when they watched television. George would kiss his forehead lightly, making Alex blush, which was pretty adorable.
They just carried on in their cute flirty way, and hoped people didn't question it.


"It's fading," said Alex sadly, looking in the mirror at his neck. The hickey was getting very faint, barely distinguishable.

"Well, isn't that good? You didn't want it in videos. Raises awkward questions." George asked with a confused frown.

"Well yeah, but.." Alex blushed a bit, "I liked it."
George smirked, wrapping his arms around Alex's waist from behind and lightly kissing the back of his neck.

"I can give you more? Places you don't show in videos."

"I'm interested," murmured Alex, turning around to meet George's stormy ocean eyes.

"I'm going over to Will's to film," said George softly, "but if it doesn't take too long then we can have some fun this evening. Okay?"

"Yeah," breathed Alex, quickly kissing George's cheek, "have fun filming."

"See you later, babes," George shot Alex a wink before leaving to Will's.

Alex sighed softly as he looked into the mirror. Just being around George could get him flustered, so when he said or did anything remotely affectionate Alex melted.
They had been very close, but hadn't kissed again since the first time, and Alex couldn't deny that the prospect of 'fun this evening' got his heart racing.

Thankfully, only Will had asked about his hickey, so he lied, saying it was a guy he'd met at a bar and had a one night stand with. Will seemed to believe him, giving him a high five for being able to pick someone up, so he wasn't worried.
Until Fraser called.

"Alex?" Fraser's smooth voice emitted from his phone.

"Hey Fraser, what's up?"

"'What's up'? Al, you had a massive hickey! Who the hell did you get that from? I thought you were into George?" Fraser sounded genuinely baffled.

"It wasn't massive," Alex replied, thankful Fraser wasn't there to see his blush. "It was, uh, a one night stand."

"With George?"

Matchmaking ~ James Marriott x Inabber ~ Imallexx x MemeulousWhere stories live. Discover now