Whispering closely to another's ear.

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Ruby trailed along behind Weiss, several bags in each hand. This wasn’t really a difficult task for her, but all the same she was starting to find this boring. They’d been out shopping all afternoon and despite having a clear goal in mind, they still hadn’t managed to fulfill it. She did enjoy seeing Weiss’ face lighting up whenever she found what she was looking for, but the younger woman was starting to get restless.
    The two had initially gone shopping for their wedding gift, but like many shopping trips before this one, the original objective had been lost. If Ruby had been alone, she’d have gone for the gift first, then go for a cheeky browse in some weapon/dust shops. She didn’t complain though, most of the stuff that Weiss had gotten was for the bees’ wedding reception. Plus they were about to walk into a dust store right that second, so at the very least Ruby could nerd out for a few minutes.
    Weiss walked right up to the cash register, and asked the man behind the counter for some refills for her sword, Myrtenaster. Ruby took this opportunity to place the bags onto the floor, stretching.

“Jeez, Weiss, you’re on a roll today.”

The older woman shot her an apologetic look, “I know this is boring, I’m sorry. There’s just a lot to do and not a lot of time. Plus we have that job in a few days as well, I just want to make sure I’ve got everything sorted.”

Ruby stepped forward, picking up a fire dust crystal to inspect, “Oh yeah! We haven’t been on a mission together for a while.”

The dark-haired girl could feel blue eyes burning into her, and Weiss was quiet for a second before she spoke again, “I’m still not so sure that this is the best idea.”

Ruby set the crystal back onto the counter, and fiddled around in her pocket for her wallet, “When have we ever had a problem on a hunt before?”

Weiss narrowed her eyes, “I can list countless times that things have gone wrong, Ruby.”

"We'll be okay, Weiss. I promise."

The man behind the counter came back, and Ruby pointed at the fire crystal. Weiss was about to get her own wallet out, but Ruby waved her off. The older woman was right, a lot of things had gone wrong in the past on countless missions that they’d been on and countless battles they’d fought. The younger of the two trusted her with her life, though, and she knew that she would protect the ex-heiress with it without a second thought. Weiss would do the same, Ruby knew that.
    They were strong on their own, but even stronger together, and the reports she’d been given were for a small pack of beowolves. It was risky, there was always risk, it was part of being a huntress. It was a unique circumstance that they were bridesmaids for a wedding that was only two weeks later. As she paid for the ammo, she started to have second thoughts, but only for a moment. Ruby knew they’d be fine, because they had each other.
     Weiss thanked Ruby, and for the first time that day she picked up a bag for herself. To be fair, it was Ruby’s fault for insisting to carry everything in the name of chivalry. Years of swinging a heavy scythe around effortlessly did have it’s advantages in the strength department, but this was beginning to be challenging even for her. The older woman looked over her shoulder as Ruby soldiered on behind her, laughing a little at the look of determination on her face.

“I think I’ve finished my detour for the day, why don’t we go throw that lot in the car and go grab something to eat?”

Ruby smiled at the prospect of food, but frowned a second later, “We still haven’t gotten the gift yet.”

Weiss hummed playfully, “The shops are still open for hours yet, we have plenty of time for that.”

Ruby grumbled, “You do realise that’s why I decided I wanted to come with you in the first place, right?”

Whiterose Week 2020Where stories live. Discover now