Chapter 26: Pinterlude + Pajama Party

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so i'm adopting the puppy

I always thought you were more of a
cat person.

haha very funny

it's impossible not to love him pin
so i give up
i love him

oh god i actually do love him

oh shit

Oh, Kit, I'm so happy for you! Have you
told him that?

of course not, this is still me we're
talking about here

check back in a year or two


"So I have questions," Yo says.

Ming gives him a smiling sidelong glance, thinking that Yo really is the cutest softest boy. Two hours into their pajama party, replete on takeout noodles and improvised cocktails, Yo has subsided onto his bed in a decadent nest of pillows, plushies, and a fleece throw blanket in the shape of a smiling pink rabbit. Yo's pajamas are pink too, as are his cheeks. Ming has missed this, just talking and laughing with his best friend and shutting out the rest of the world.

"About me and Kit?" he asks.

"Mm." Yo nibbles delicately at his lower lip, hesitating. "Sort of?"

Ming flops down on the adjacent pillow, turning Yo's way so they're nearly nose to nose. "Spill it, Yo. You know you can ask me anything."

"I always have," Yo says, "but I don't know where the boundaries are now that we're both in serious relationships. Is P'Kit going to be upset if you talk to me about your sex life?"

Ming snorts. "Kitty's got no grounds to complain. He told Beam that I rode his dick like a cowboy."

Yo's eyes go wide and startled. "You did?"

"A time or two, yeah. Why? Is that what you wanted to ask about?"

"Yeah." Yo rolls onto his back to stare at the ceiling, clutching a fuzzy lavender throw pillow to his chest. "I know P'Pha wants to have sex," he says, "and it's not that I don't want to—I do! Of course I do. But it feels like there's so much pressure to make it absolutely perfect, you know? Like we can't just fool around and fumble our way through it by trial and error like regular couples, it's all got to be meaningful and romantic because he's the love of my life and I've wanted him for literal years ." Clutching the pillow closer, he mumbles something into it that Ming can't quite decipher.

Ming tugs the pillow away from his face. "What did you say?"

Yo closes his eyes, his face now more red than pink. "I said, how can our first time be perfect when I don't even know how the hell it's supposed to fit ?"

I'm not going to laugh, Ming swears to himself, biting the inside of his lip to suppress a snicker. The question might be funny but Yo's anxiety is real.

"It'll fit, I promise you," Ming says in what he hopes is a soothing tone. "Look, I'm not going to quiz you about P'Pha's dick size, know I'm above average, right? And P'Kitty is really petite, smaller than you. But with the right preparation we fit just fine—and the preparation can be fun in itself, believe me. Haven't you looked any of this up online?"

"I've watched some gay porn," Yo admits, "but porn stars are paid to act like it feels good, even when they're riding a dildo the size of a horse dong."

This time the snicker escapes. "Shit, what kind of porn are you watching, Yo? 'Hung like a horse' is just an expression! I'm pretty sure P'Pha is within the range of normal human proportions."

Yo rolls over to look at Ming again, his expression uncertain. "You've really done it, though? Let P'Kit top you? And you like it?"

Ming is silent for a moment, trying to balance Yo's anxious craving for information and reassurance with P'Kit's privacy. "I love it," he admits finally. "Most of the time P'Kit and I prefer it the other way around, but when the mood is right—yeah, I do. I love it." He's the one staring at the ceiling now, struggling to find the right words. "It's so intimate. More than anything else, at least for me. Taking him into my body that way, watching his face as he starts to move in me—lose himself in me—oh god, Yo, it's amazing."

"You really do love him," Yo says softly.

"Heart and soul." Ming lets out his breath in a heated sigh, then laughs at himself. "Damn, all those beautiful girls I dated, and it turns out my true love is a mean little man who swears like a sailor!"

"I still can't believe you were having sex with him all this time and I never had a clue. P'Pha still doesn't," Yo adds. "I was going to tell him, but it's kind of funny watching him be oblivious when the rest of us are smirking at you two."

"Ha!" Ming snorts. "We should start a betting pool with P'Forth, P'Beam, and P'Kit on when he'll figure it out."

"We totally should!"

Two more cocktails later, they do.

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