Peppa's sex basement

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After discussing things over tea, They head down to Peppa's basement.
Peppa: this is my sex basement!
Dora: woah.. i-it's amazing
Caillou: I love it
Peppa pulls out a huge pink dildo.
*dora and caillou's jaws dropped*
Dora: wow th-thats a huge dildo.
Peppa:it's for all of us ;)
Dora and Caillou both: w-what how??
Peppa: let me show you ;)
Dora: okay..
Caillou: um ok..
Dora and Caillou are both terrified but also so ready.
Peppa puts on the strap on and tightens it to her liking
Next she shoves it in caillou's ass hole.
*caillou moans*
*peppa grunts* arg you like that so far? While shoving further inside him
*caillou whimpers* oooh yess daddy
Peppa shoves so far up his ass that it comes out his mouth. Now it's time for Dora to join.
Peppa: Doraaa get over here
Dora: oh yes mommy peppa *dora places her bum up to caillou's mouth where the huge strap on is poking out*
Peppa shoves it far up Dora's ass
*dora moans loudly* ohhhh yesss harderrr
*peppa thrust her and Caillou harder and harder*
*they all start moaning*
Caillou is the first to cum, then Peppa and finally Dora.
Then they take out the strap on and Dora gives Peppa head while Caillou watches and jerks off
Peppa shoves Dora's head on her pig pussy and comes in her mouth. *dora starts to choke on her cum*
caillou: WHAT ARE YOU DOING PEPPA!! *but he's too overwhelmed with orgasms to do anything about his dying gf*
*Dora dies from choking on Peppa's cum*
Then she kills Caillou by biting off his penis
*caillou screams in agony*
Peppa gets very aroused by it
Now Caillou and Dora are dead and Peppa had a nice threesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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ADULT VERSION: CaillouXpeppa pigXDoraWhere stories live. Discover now