The Club

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Rose's POV

It all started here.


"Why?!" I yell putting Romeo and Juliet down. I've already read the book twice, I'm just bored. And trying to avoid going outside.

"Because, you dumb fuck, we're going out tonight."

"I have reading and work to do!"

"It's Friday, you can do it tomorrow! C'mon! Let loose for once!"

"Fine." I say getting up and rolling my eyes.

She goes straight to my closet and starts rummaging through my clothes.

"Why do you dress like a nun?! You're gonna have to wear something of mine."

She drags me out of my room and into hers.
She eventually pulls out a white strappy bodycon dress.

"You're gonna look so hot in this!" she says throwing it at me. "It's good we wear the same size."

"Yay." I say sarcastically while putting on the dress. I do look hot, but...
I do not want to go out. We can dance around and have fun here!

We both get dressed and I lay on her bed with a frown on my face while she fixes her hair.

"Bitch stop moping around and lets go have some fun."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and fluff my curls.


We arrive at some super popular club and Mai drags me to the bar.

"We'll start off with shots." she says to the bartender.

I gulp down the last of 4 shots and it kinda burns my throat. Mai pulls me to the dance floor and starts dancing.
I start dancing too because I'm getting bored.

Nicki Minaj starts playing so of course me and Maia start twerking. I totally hate that we're in public dancing but who can resist Nicki?!

Some guys start walking over but me and Mai shoo them away.
Today is for me to be free. I kinda partying... well, a little.

I'm still dancing when a man grabs my waist.

I turn around and look at him. This man looks like a damn god. He has tattoos running down his very muscly arms. He's pretty tall, like really tall. He's so fucking gorgeous holy shi-

"You done staring baby?" he says smirking at me.

"Yes. Wait no- I wasn't- Fuck you." I say trying to walk away, but he grabs me by my waist. Pulling me into him.

"Where are you going?"

"Um, to my friend. I don't want her getting too drunk or anything." I say pointing to Mai, she's with a guy right now but I don't want to embarrass myself. And she handles alcohol better than me.

"She seems fine. Lets dance."

Why not?
He pulls me to him and I continue dancing. I start dancing on him.

He swiftly turned me to him and a shiver ran down my spine. He leaned down to my ear,
"You're mine."

I'd have no problem with being his... but that's a little demanding.

"I'm not an object sir... I'm not yours, or anyone's for that matter." I say stepping back a bit.

"We'll see about that."

"You don't even know me. You psycho!" I say walking away.

Mai is talking to the dude from earlier and seems really interested in him, so I go sit at the bar.

The bartender gives me my drink and tries to make small talk.

The same guy that I just danced with sits next to me and the bartender immediately walks away with fear in his eyes.

"What's your name?" The guy says after sipping out of his cup.
I watch my cup closely. This guy, could be innocent but I don't trust anyone with my drinks.

"I'm Rose. What's your name?" I say before sipping from my cup.

"I'm Alessandro." he says flashing me a quick smile before glaring at a guy who's been eyeing me for a while. The guy looked scared and quickly turned away.

"Why did he look so scared of you? And the bartender." I ask now facing Alessandro in my seat.

"You don't know who I am?" he asked shocked.

"Nope." I say shrugging and looking at him confused.

"Hm, I'm a millionare."

"Well damn, you're hot and a millionare." I slap my hand on mouth in shock at what just came out my mouth.

Alessandro laughs a little and I blush.

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." he says smiling.

I smile back. His smile makes me melt a little. Fuck... I've caught feelings already and all I know is his name and he's a millionare.

I mean, get that bread....

"Sei molto bella." he says to me.

"Okay, I got beautiful from that. I'm not very good at Italian..."

He laughs and repeats it in English,
"I said, you're very beautiful."

"Oh, thank you." I say smiling. I have to go see where Mai wen-

"Hey- Damnnn, who's this hottie?" she says standing next to me. A man stands not too far behind her. I guess she's going with him.

I slightly shove her and she rolls her eyes laughing.

"Imma leave you with yo man, call me if anything! I'm heading home!" she says tilting her head to the man then walking away.

"Wait- Mai! Don't leave me here with a stranger!" I yell after her. She's already lost in the crowd so that was pointless.

"Fucking asshole." I mutter to myself.

Alessandro laughs and gives me his hand.

"Would you like a ride home?" he says.

"Yea, I kinda need it."

*** * ***

We get in his car which is a black Lamborghini.

"Holy shit! This is a nice ass car! Damnnn, you rich rich." I say rambling.

Alessandro chuckles and starts the car.
He's so attractive. He's possessive yes, but very very attractive so it balances out I guess.

*** * ***

This is only my first chapter so I'm sorry if it's not good.Anyways, Happy Reading and Stay Safe luvs

Byeeeeeeeee <3

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