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"Hey, nice to see you again."

"Here I am thinking I finally got rid of you," chuckling as they pulled away, Wilma, Y/N's long time therapist shook her head at the girl's statement with a smile. "What's up with you? You looking fine as hell."

"Way to make a woman feel young again,"

"What're you talking about, you're only thirty-six."

"And you think that's not old enough?"

"No, not really," laughing, Y/N went back to her seat, sighing contently as she stretched her limbs out. "That felt good. Seeing you feels good. Congratulations with the baby, what's her name again?"

"Y/N, we're not here to talk about my life,"

"I know but I just wanted to know, I deserve an explanation for your absence you know that?" She gave the woman a pointed look making her chuckle and give up.

"Her name's Mirasol. My husband said the meaning of that name is a wonderful flower, and I can say she is indeed a beauty."

"Probably has her mom and dad's looks, I won't doubt it. You should make me the godmother or something - so when she grows up she'll think you're cool 'cause she has a famous godmother."

"Here you go again," smiles Wilma. After so many years of being her therapist, Y/N never failed to amaze her because the girl has always been so kind, humble, sweet and very thoughtful. She knew the people she surrounds herself with and builds a foundation with them. "How are you?"

Y/N shrugged. "Honestly, I feel fine."

"Fine is rather subjective. Tell me your definition of fine."

Chuckling, she answered; "I am finally back on track - I have been busy writing and having studio sessions the moment I landed here in LA."

"How about your business?"

"I have mom and dad to run it for me, they don't mind, besides, it's not really my business. Remember when I told you mom wanted to have a café of her own? I just made it come true,"

"How do you feel back here in LA?"

"Nostalgic, that's a pretty accurate word for it," Y/N answered honestly, seeing how Wilma was still the very same attentive woman she was, listening to her. "I can still remember how many times I have visited and lived in this place that it terrifies me. I didn't get a permanent apartment, Sabel and I talked about it and agreed that I'd rather stay in the hotel."

"You sleep alone?"

"I can now, yeah." She nodded. "But sometimes Sabel sleeps with me or in the other room."

"How about the nightmares? Has it gone down?"

"They did, I have them sometimes, but not nearly everyday whenever I sleep like before," pursing her lips, she sighed. "I also reconnected with Lauren just the other day."

"Oh? You reached out to her or she reached out to you?"

"Funny story actually, she and I are in the same building since she was also working on something and we happend to see each other in the restroom."

"Do you think your involvement with her triggered some episodes?"

"Not really," Y/N thought of it. She slept quite peacefully the time she slept over at Lauren's, and she hasn't had any breakdown sessions like she used to.

"Well, do you think being with her again will trigger some episodes?"

"You see, that's what I'm thinking about too, if I should stay and talk to her like old times or just let it be and let it pass by like it was nothing." She informed. "We haven't really talked about the letter I wrote for her when I left her, and at some point I knew we'd talk about it soon."

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