7 (6 moths later)

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'Harry Styles and Nick Grimshaw back together?'
'Louis with Eleanor Calder once again?'
'Zayn and Zelina reignite their burnt out flame?'
'Are Liam and Sophia back together?'
'Niall and Hailee start over once again?'

Fucking management...ruining my fucking life. Just last month our management changed and now we are under some management called Modest! They seemed alright at first, but they weren't okay with the relationships that were going around. Like they didn't want the boys of One Direction being openly gay because it ruins the view of a stereotypical boy band.

So! They are now with their beards once again, but for me and White Eskimo, they didn't care for our sexualities, but they had me go back to Nick since I can't be with the boys publicly. However...it caused something that is making my heart hurt more and more by the day.

I broke up with the boys. I told them that I was not going to hide my relationships, and I will not just stand by and see articles and articles about their love lives with their beards and see photos of them kissing those girls. I don't roll that way. That not how I'm going to live my life. This caused a rift in their relationship and I feel bad about that.

Because of what I said to them and because of the break up, they broke up with each other as well. Meaning that we are now living some fake life with broken hearts. My friends are getting concerned because I've been getting drunk every other night. Which reminds me...I need to get more bottles. I got out of my bed and walked to my closet to get dressed and ready for the day.

Even though we did break up, I'm still in contact with those boys. Tell them what I've been up to and what I'm doing, so whenever I tell them that I'm getting some bottles for the night, Niall and Liam would say: Same here mate...same here. They know what I was getting, so I didn't have to clarify as to what I was buying.

Harry: Getting more bottles today.
Louis: Good morning to you too.
Harry: It's morning...not good morning.
Liam: I drank so much last night....Niall, do you mind buying bottles for the both of us?
Niall: Sure.
Louis: Good morning Zayn!
Harry: Why is he so happy?

Liam: Him and Zayn get high a lot, so while we are drunk, Zayn and Louis just get high.
Niall: We are a mess...
Harry: Well this mess is going bottle shopping! Might go live drunk, that'll be fun!
Liam: Be carefel swill. Doant gwet hurtz!
Harry: How is he drunk already?
Niall: I guess he found the bottle underneath his bed still full of whiskey.

I sighed at the text and put my phone in my back pocket. I looked at myself and I looked into my tired and red eyes. I just started to scold my own self. I always tend to do this whenever I'm about the leave the house nowadays. Just because I think that I deserve it. I deserve to hate myself...

"You brought yourself to this...you just had to be gay...you just had to like feminine clothes...you just had to step into this dancing shit, because you listened to your heart, and because of that, you became famous...you just had to live this fucking life and now live it heartbroken because you can't be with the people...you are meant to be sad...you are meant to be alone...you are meant to be like this!"

I sighed when I was done with the scolding and I picked up a small bottle of eye drops and I dropped them into my eyes. I blinked a few times before I looked at myself in the mirror. I fixed my dress before I went to my shoe closet and picked out my boots. I texted Nick that I was going out for the day and to come pick me up. He said that he'll be there in 5 minutes, so I waited downstairs for him to show up.

The Dancing Lover (Zianourry) (B1)Where stories live. Discover now