10 (Short)

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Today is their first New Years broken up and apart. Management wanted Harry to celebrate it with Nick, so he knew that he wasn't going to drink over there. The boys were told to invite the girls over. This made them sad because they wanted nothing more than be with one another on New Years day and kiss each other when the clock strikes 12.

"I'm going to have to kiss him..." Harry said as he was applying makeup. He was on speaker phone with the boys and what irritated him the most was the sound of the girls talking in the background. "Are you going to drink?" Niall asked and Harry sighed. "No, because if I do then he may take advantage of me," He answered.

"He's been wanting to get back together, so I'm not going to give him that chance to take me for granted," He added before he stepped back and admired himself in the mirror. "Still going to look good though. Just to show off what he could've had if he didn't fuck shit up," Harry said and turned to the side to see how good his bum looked.

 Just to show off what he could've had if he didn't fuck shit up," Harry said and turned to the side to see how good his bum looked

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"Can we get a peak?" Louis asked and Harry chuckled before he went to his camera to snap a photo. He posed, making his bum look like a complete snack, and he had his tongue sticking out.

When he took a picture with a few angles, he went to the group chat and sent the 3. "Should be sent now," Harry told them before he picked up his Louis Vuitton bag and walked out of the bathroom and soon out of the house.

"Louis just went to his room...won't hear from him for another 30 minutes,"  Niall said before he started laughing. Harry laughed with him and he unlocked his car. "I don't really have to kiss him really...but there is going to need to be some proof of us being together for this holiday..." Harry said with a sigh, turning his car on.

"The fans will still call that bullshit. That's all that I have to say," Niall then said and Harry sighed. "But that doesn't mean anything to Modest which is stupid as fuck..." Harry cursed as he was backing our of the driveway. "They literally spammed my DM's asking what my favorite picture of you guys were," Liam spoke and Harry giggled. "What was mine?" Harry asked.

A few minutes later, he felt a buzz and he looked to see what it was about. When he saw a message from Liam, he quickly clicked on it and there was a picture of himself.

 When he saw a message from Liam, he quickly clicked on it and there was a picture of himself

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"Louis just shouted 'Fucking hell' hahahaha. We may hear from him in 45 minutes now," Zayn stated and Niall was just dying laughing on the phone. It made Harry grin before he saw Nicks house in the distance. "Do you guys want to keep talking? I have my air pod's  with me," Harry suggested.

"Well hearing your voice will be the only thing that will get us through this thing, so yeah," Zayn spoke and Harry smiled before he parked on the side of the road and took his air pod's out and connected them to his phone. He turned the ignition off before he stepped out. "This is going to be a long night..." Harry mumbles as he walked to Nicks door and knocked on it.

When Nick opened the door he smiled at the sight of Harry's face. "Looking good for me babe?" "I'm not your babe and no,"Harry reminded him and the boys smiled from the other end. "So...who are trying to impress?" "Why does that matter. I'm just here so that I can keep a job," Harry spoke and he was about to enter the house, but Nick stopped him.

"Let me guess, it's those 4 boys who you are still chasing for?" "I swear...I'm going to punch him one da-" Nick cut Louis off. "I'm guessing the silence means yes? God Harry! I always knew that you were a slut, but I never knew that you would be such a whore for those boys," Nick insulted and Harry gasped.

"I guess that day is today. On my fucking way!" Louis spoke before he hung up. "What the hell Nick?!? We aren't together and let me remind you that I didn't break up with them because I wanted to. I broke up with them because I didn't want to put our relationship at risk. I didn't wa-" "You can shut the fuck up Harry."

"Riding with Louis!" Niall exclaimed and Harry was on the verge of tears. "Also wanted to let you know. That girl that you saw me fucking? Yeah, she was a whole lot better in bed than you were," Nick then insulted. "Where the hell is this coming from Nick?!" Harry asked, hating the words that are coming out of his exe's mouth.

"You always think that your perfect, but you-" "He is perfect you dickhead!"Louis voice boomed, making Harry and Nick jump and look to see Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam in Nick's front lawn. Louis glared darkly at Nick before he marched up and punched him right in the nose, hearing a satisfying crunch when he did so.

"No wonder so many people dislike you! You treated Harry like a piece of shit and not as royalty that he is!" Niall then shouted and kicked Nick in the stomach when he was on the ground. "Harry is everything that anybody could ask for, and if you couldn't fucking see that, then you are the prick with a tiny ass dick!" Zayn added.

"He is going to spend New Years with us. You are not fucking worthy of his presence you asshole," Liam scowled and took Harry's hand and walked him to Niall's car. Harry was silently crying because of the flashbacks to when he was insulted, ignored, beaten, and scolded at by his biological father. The man that made him so afraid to be the way he is now.

"Listen baby, and listen closely," Liam said and Harry looked at him. Zayn was going to take Harry's car since he knew that he wasn't stable enough to drive.

"Nothing and I mean nothing that dick said is true. He just does not appreciate angels like he should. He doesn't know that he missed out on someone who was going to make his life a million times better. Does not appreciate all that you've done for him, and you should know that you are always #1 compared to everybody else," Liam said and Harry smiled, making his sad tears into happy ones.

And if he leaned over and kissed Liam on the lips well...no one needs to know~
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