Chapter Two

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It was a few days later, and things were business as usual. The worker bees were doing there thing, and I was watching them from the sideline and laughing at the lot of them. I found it kind of funny that they took all of this so seriously. We were here for four years, and then someone new would be repeating our mistakes and living our triumphs. I personally didn’t see the point in it all.

I hadn’t seen the girl (who had affectionately been dubbed “D’s Lil Emo” by my crew at this point) since that day. I tried my hardest to push her out of my mind, and for the most part I succeeded, but something kept bringing her back to the forefront whenever I was lost in my thoughts, such as this moment.

I was sitting in my usual spot on my usual bench, smoking my lunchtime cigarette. But today was different I was wandering in my head, a scary place to be sometimes let me tell you. As my thoughts moved to and fro I noticed that I could not get the image of this chick out of my head.

This was not my style, I didn’t do “lovey dove bullshit” as I called it. But something about the image of her huddled in a corner with a tear on her face, melted my otherwise ice cold heart.

“D!! What are you doing man!!”

I was jerked out of my daze by the sound of Joey’s voice. He had a look of concern on his face. It was kinda new for him, didn’t really look right, as if he was trying to be a facial contortionist and failing.

“Whats up Joey?” I said raising an eyebrow in confusion. I was really trying to figure out what was so important, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain at the base of my skull, accompanied by a sudden “THWACK” sound.

Spinning around I saw it was Rayne, with a scowl I said “What the hell was that for?!?!?”. Rubbing the area where she had landed the obnoxious  smack.

“You were thinking about your Lil Emo weren’t you? The bell is going to ring in five minutes and you haven’t even taken a hit of that Newport. The hell is going on with you man?” Her voice was cool and even and yet somehow still strangely piercing. She had that way about her though. Like she could see into your soul.

“I don’t know man, she’s just stuck in my mind bruh”. I responded still rubbing the sore spot.


Later that day I found myself skipping algebra class, in favor of indulging in a small joint behind the gym. As I rounded the corner, I almost choked.

There she was, just sitting there quietly sobbing to herself. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of black striped Chucks, and a “Doctor Who” T shirt. Her make up was a mess, and you could tell that she had been crying for a while.

Without even thinking about it I walked over, and sat next to her, without a word. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing. Hell I didn’t even know what not to do. So I simply sat there.

We sat in silence for about 20 minutes before she looked up and noticed me. Startled she jumped back a bit and said “Wh-who are you?”

I smiled gently and said “The name is D. And don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”

She looked apprehensive at first, but relented and said “I-I’m Rose, how long have you been sitting there?”

“Long enough” I said without a seconds hesitation. I quickly followed with “So why are you crying? If you don’t mind my asking”

Rose’s eyes narrowed, seemingly getting a bit more confident, as she said “I’ll tell you what, if you real want to know, meet me here tomorrow at lunchtime, and I will tell you”

I raised an eyebrow, “This girl maybe a little soft but she’s got spunk” I thought to myself.

“Alright Rose you have a deal!” I said as I caught her eyes. There was something about them that made me stop for a second, like time slowed for that instant.

As the moment ended she jumped to her feet, and before I could say anything she was gone.

I leaned back against the wall, not even in the mood to light up anymore I just thought about this strange little emo.

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