Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up early as usual. Evan didn't come home the previous night. Usually he'd come home this time of the morning but it looks like he picked up a new habit. I didn't bother checking up on him, I just concentrated on my work until it was time to knock off. I headed to the beach house to see how much the caterers have done so far. It was Friday and I was not planning to go there early next week because I have a project to work on. I had to make sure everything is in place. By the time I was done it was around 7pm and I decided to head home.

Reaching there I could see Evan's car in the driveway and another car which I haven't seen before. I walked into the house just to find Evan and Suzanne seated in the living room, a little too close to each other and I felt the need to punch something, or someone. They didn't notice I was there so I had to clear my throat to get them out of their little world they created.

"Hey Liz, you are home early." Evan started.
"I don't remember telling you I was coming late. What is she doing in my house?" I asked pointing at Suzanne. I was really pissed. "I invited her over for dinner. She and I already prepared everything, you just have to join us. Laura is at a sleepover." Evan said and continued with an "I hope you don't mind" that felt like a slap straight to my face. Suzanne walked over to me extending her hand for a handshake and said, "It's great to see you again Liz. I heard you are expecting. Congratulations!"

Now I really wanted to punch her , but not as much as I want to give Evan a good beating. I ignored her and walked past her into the kitchen. The food really smells amazing but I could smell her perfume all over MY kitchen. I went upstairs to my room to change so I go have dinner withy husband and his mistress. Using that word and just thinking of the idea of dining with them makes my stomach sick. I mean this is a whole new level of disrespect. Evan really takes me for a fool but not anymore. I seriously just cannot fake it. I sat on my bed when Evan entered after a few minutes. "Come on Liz! Is that really how you treat a guest?" Evan asked closing the door.

"Yes. Especially when that guest is my husband's mistress. What did you expect me to do? Give her a hug. Do you really think I am that narrow minded that I can't put pieces together?" I asked him losing my temper. Evan didn't say anything for a while he was just staring at me until he finally came up with something to say. He denied it and said she was just a friend and that I was the one t that once suggested the dinner. That's true, but I suggested it before I knew they were more than just friends. "Evan I am tired of being married to you, tired of all the arguments and really really tired of feeling like the other woman in your life. So get out of my room and go keep your friend company." I said pushing him out of my room.

After he left I felt worse, like I was just letting things go on right under my own nose so I followed him downstairs. I will not be disrespected in my own house. I found them at the dinner table. "You joining us?" he asked. I ignored  Evans question and directed my gaze towards Suzanne. "I want you to get out of my house. Right now Suzanne!" I said a bit louder than I thought. Evan looked at me with the what-are-you-doing eyes but I ignored he was even looking at me. Suzanne grabbed her handbag and said, you don't "I guess it is not a good time for that dinner. I will see you tomorrow Evan." She walked past me in a rush.

I could see Evan fuming but I could really care less. "What the hell do you think you just did Liz? You have your friends over now and then but you are kicking my friend out. Was that really necessary?" he asked getting louder.
"Yes it was. For starters, you don't raise your voice on, not even being my husband gives you that privilege. I kicked her out because I can and it is what is best for me right now. As far as my friends are concerned, at least I don't go around floozing with them behind your back. If you think what I did was not fair to her, the door is that way. Follow her." I said. I was surprised that I could say all those words without getting angry or kicking something.

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