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I went back upstairs to continue cleaning the bathrooms after the commotion. Megan had been questioned and Mrs Barnstable was in the process now as she had now returned to consciousness.

I began to think of the motives for the staff. Elsie would never kill anyone I am sure, and what reason would she have anyway? Linda the same, I do not see why she would want to kill Mr Barnstable, unless she was put up to it. That's it! Mrs Barnstable could have paid someone to do the murder for her and she could go away and have an alibi. That is way too far fetched! I do read too many murder novels. What about Tommy? He is cold hearted and quite handsome, but that does not make him a killer does it?

I then went downstairs to help cook with the inspector, telling him what the family had for breakfast in the morning. We showed him the food used and the cups and plates.

"Can I quickly go get my cardigan, I am really cold?" I whispered to cook.

"Of course, hurry though." She tried to smile at me and I left the room.

I went up the stairs and to my room. I found my cardigan and slung it on. Just as I walked past Mrs Barnstables room, I heard voices. I stopped and went back to it.

I saw two figures inside talking through the crack of the door. I peered inside, curiously. It was Mrs Barnstable and a man who had his back to me. He was tall, dark hair, wearing a white shirt, are my eyes deceiving me? It was Tommy! I went to gasp but I quickly covered my own mouth in time as I did not want them to hear, or see me. I pressed my ear closer to the door.

"Good work darling, glad you took my advice on the cyanide." Mrs Barnstable said with a smirk.

"Of course my love, anything for you." He replied and enveloped her in a passionate kiss.

I could not believe my ears. I was right! Mrs Barnstable had got some man to do the dirty work for her, and Tommy of all people! I thought he was cold hearted but this! Now Mrs Barnstable would get the money and may choose to share it with Tommy if she really cares for him. I knew what I had to do, I had to tell the inspector.

I managed a few quick steps across the corridor before I tripped over a loose floor board and fell flat on my face, causing a bang on the floor. This is why a maid shouldn't be clumsy. Mrs Barnstable ran out of the room and stared at me, seeing the fear in my eyes.

"Get her Tommy."

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