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The restaurant has dimmed lights and it's filled with people, everyone is chatting and enjoying their meals. A bright smile is on Chan his face, he is looking at his girlfriend that is seated in front of him. The dimmed lights look gorgeous on her, her long blonde hair and bangs are hanging loose, and she has a tight red dress on. She has her hand under her chin, and she is looking at Chan with an empty look on her face. The boy in front of her doesn't notice and he is happily talking about what has happened in the time they haven't seen each other. She on the other hand is not listening to him.

"It has been such a long time that we saw Dabin and she has finally returned in the best way possible!" Chan exclaims happily, he was so happy for Subin that Dabin returned for Subin and that she missed him as much as he missed her too. "Who is Dabin?" Nari snaps her head towards Chan and her glare says a lot. "Dabin is Subin's girlfriend" he says, he didn't even notice that she wasn't listening to him. Nari nods but squints her eyes at him "How often do you see her?" she mumbles, Chan shrugs his shoulders "I don't see her that often, Nari" Chan sighs softly, he looks at her, she is putting her hair behind her shoulders and she shoots him a fake smile "Good."
The chatting at Chan and Nari's table died down and it's silent between the couple. Chan is silently eating his salad, Nari has her hand under her chin and she has a boring look on her face. She is just stabbing her food with a fork, her attention is not Chan at all. "Hey babe?" Chan looks at Nari, she looks up "What did I tell you? I don't like you calling me babe in public" she mumbles under her breath. Chan sighs silently and he looks down at his food, a sad feeling filling his body, but he shrugs it off. "Yes, I'm sorry Nari" he whispers the words softly. An evil smile appears on Nari her face and she nods "Good, now what did you want to say?" Nari her gaze goes to another table, Chan starts talking about what he wanted to say but the words are all flying past her. Chan is looking at his food, so he doesn't seem to notice, her eyes are on the man that is sitting at the table, he is wearing a suit and his hair is neatly styled. Nari is almost undressing him with her eyes, he has a smirk on his face and he looks interested in Nari too.
Nari is grabbing her purse and Chan looks up "Where are you going?" he was still in the middle of his story. "Were you looking at him?" Chan looks around at the table next to them, the man in the suit is looking at Nari and he is signalling for her to grab her coat and leave with him. And she is ready to accept, Chan his mouth drops carefully "You were going to leave with him?" Nari rolls her eyes and stands up "Chan- get your head out of your ass it's not a hat" she says and she looks at him "You're nowhere near his attractiveness" she puts on her coat and grabs her purse "Now if you're loser ass will excuse me, I will leave first" she walks towards the man in suit and the man sticks out his arm, Nari hooks her arm through his and they leave the restaurant, together. Chan feels tears coming up "She doesn't mean it, she loves me" he whispers to himself while he carefully signals a waiter to come over so he can pay and leave for home.

The sky is dark and rain is falling from it, the streets are wet and there are puddles everywhere. Chan has his hands in his pockets, his wet hair is sticking against his forehead and the raindrops on his face mix with his tears. He is softly crying, no one around him looks at him or even seem to notice his tears. His pace is slow and he doesn't really care about what time he gets home, his phone is ringing in his pocket and he ignores it. The rain is getting worse and now more water seems to be falling from the sky, his phone starts ringing again but once again, Chan ignores it.
Chan is drenched, his coat is all wet and he can feel that his socks are soaked too. He puts the keys in the door but before he can turn them the door flies open. Seungwoo and Haneul are standing in the door opening, both are holding towels "Oh my god Chan!" Haneul exclaims, she pulls the drenched boy inside and wraps the towels around him "Woo please fix him some tea or hot chocolate milk" the older boy nods and leaves for the kitchen. "What were you doing out there in the rain Chan?" Haneul asks softly while she pulls the boy back to the living room and softly on the couch. Hanse is running down the stairs with some dry clothes "I got clothes for Chan" he smiles, Chan looks up, his eyes are still a bit red but the people around him doesn't notice them, yet. "Can... can I shower first?" Chan his words are soft and almost inaudible. Haneul who is sitting close to him nods and smiles "Yes of course, go shower" Chan gets up and he takes the dry clothes from Hanse and walks towards the bathroom that is located downstairs. Hanse sits down on the couch and he looks at Haneul "Should I call her?" Haneul shakes her head "I'm pretty sure this is her fault, he should dump her" she says softly. Seungwoo walks back into the living room with a cup of tea and looks around "Where did he go?" he asks while sitting down next to Haneul who takes the cup in her hands. "He left to shower, thank you babe" she giggles and Seungwoo presses a soft kiss on her lips "That was for him, not you."

Chan looks at himself in the mirror, his hair is still sticking to his forehead. He turns on the shower and carefully takes off his clothes. His clothes are soaked and hard to take off because they stick to his body. He steps under the shower once his clothes are off and warmth fills his body, a soft smile appearing on his face.

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