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❝i would apologise for existing except that would change nothing at all.❞

name | Mely
nicknames | M
name meaning | Derived from the Portuguese word for honey
age | 8 years
gender | female

❝i know how this ends & i don't want to ever feel that way again.❞

colourings | pitch black, grey muzzle, light tan crescenteye colour | chocolate browndistinguishing markings | her long muzzle and big earsspecies | melursus ursinus • sloth bearbuild | light, for a bear, and short

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colourings | pitch black, grey muzzle, light tan crescent
eye colour | chocolate brown
distinguishing markings | her long muzzle and big ears
species | melursus ursinus • sloth bear
build | light, for a bear, and short

❝the cost of living is the pain of solitude.❞

skills | foraging, camouflage, keen hearing, minding her own business
physical strength | 6/10
mental strength | 5/10 (not good health wise, but sound in terms of general functionality)
strengths | quick runner, good hearing, stamina
weaknesses | not physically strong, poor spatial awareness, not brave

❝i suppose it would be nice to be heard sometime.❞

personality | Mely is sweet tempered, mild mannered bear with a peaceful disposition and klutz tendency. She's a coward, naturally, and does her best to avoid conflict. Sometimes, her distain for negative social interaction can border on anxiety. At heart, she's a social butterfly, but through conditioning and reinforced fear she's grown into herself, preferring her own company and thoughts. She's painfully awkward and stuck in her own head, prone to throwing up defensive walls of nasty sarcasm and a shroud of general moodiness, though it doesn't take long to find out she's a actually quite an unproblematic bear. She's prone to bouts of season-induced symptoms of depression, and generally aches of sadness and loneliness, despite being realistic and proactive.

likes | summer time, honey, vibing in general, the jungle, the stars

dislikes | confrontation, bee stings, arrogant animals, loud noises (though she can be very loud herself), dealing with her emotions

positive traits | kind, pacifist, relaxed (most of the time)

neutral traits | disorganised, private

negative traits | umabmitious, over thinker, can pretend to be mean to scare animals away

❝i'm plagued by childhood trauma.❞

mother | Sol (literally 'sun') — an experienced female who raised Mely despite her being the only surviving pup. However, Sol was old and wanted time to herself again, so she chased Mely away early
siblings | none — she was the only surviving cub
mate | none — open
crush | none — open


Home — Cavetown ⏮⏸⏭

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Home — Cavetown

( for use in -_tigerlily_-'s roleplay Savage Kingdom )
created in June 2020

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