Chapter 24 Coming Out Honest

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Warning: this chapter deals with alcoholism, depression, it also talks about being part of the LGBTQ community and from here on out there will be gay couples as well as a trans character. Although, this is not the plot of the story and they are side characters if I get hateful hurtful or mean comments I will block you, report you and you do will no longer be welcome to read my content.

Everyone sat staring at each other. The feeling of dread washed upon the classroom as everyone prayed it wouldn't be them going first. Secrets were a big deal. It wasn't that they didn't trust each other, it was that there was comfort in the dark. When things were brought to light they became sharp, ugly even. Was it wrong to want to sit in the dark a little longer?
"I say we do rock paper scissors." Rio murmured after a while. They all knew they weren't getting out of this. Their teachers had cleared the schedule for the entire day. They had renovated the classroom to look like a therapy room, no one was getting out of this. That is unless they wanted to leave Class E forever.

On the count of three, everyone played rock paper scissors until the only loser was Megu. The girl sighed, but did not complain as she messed with her gray hair.

"So..." She began slowly. "You all know I am part of the feminist movement right?" She asked, clarifying she didn't have to give any background.

Everyone nodded.

"Well I joined that movement in my freshman year, after I was told I couldn't join STEM because I was a girl."

The room's mood suddenly shifted as everyone wanted to ask a million questions but refrained. After all, they didn't want to be asked questions when it was their turn to confess.

"How it happened isn't important." Megu whispered as her knee began to shake. "But... after that I... I felt stupid and unwanted. Like nothing I could ever do was good enough. So I threw myself into other things, class rep work, a part time job, anything but my school work. Because failing without trying was easier than doing my best and still failing." Megu sniffed. "To this day, I can't seem to find the motivation to do anything about my grades."

As Megu finished both Isogai and Kayano practically tackled the girl in hugs. Everyone else simply nodded in understanding. They had all been there at some point. After all, they were all in Class E for a reason.

    Kuro Sensei nodded solemnly as he placed a comforting tentacle on Megu's shoulder. "My dear, I fear what you are describing is depression." He said slowly. "Depression doesn't always come in suicidal forms you know? Have you considered counseling?"

     "No." Megu shrugged. "I hadn't thought about it."

    "We'll look into getting one for the class." Erina said with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you're not the only one who will need to talk about things with a professional."

      "But we are here as well, should you need anything at all." Kurasama nodded curtly. "We may not be real teachers but we care about you kids."

"Ok ok." Megu waved her friends off. And smiled at her teachers in embarrassment. "Someone else go so I can focus on your problems, not my own."

Everyone looked at each other for a moment. Isogai nodded at Maehara and the two of the stood up. "We'll go next." The raven said.

The two stood awkwardly in the center of the circle, until Maehara laced their fingers together. "We're dating." They said.

    "So, you're gay?" Turasika asked, rather bluntly.

Maehara looked irritated while Isogai looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He was prince charming, woman loved him, but he wasn't attracted to them at all. "We, uh... we started dating last year, it just sort of happened." Isogai stuttered.

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