Chapter 3 Only The Princess Could see

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Karma didn't exactly know what he was doing as he exited his house carefully, so not to wake his father, and stormed down the dark streets to the party of the A class insects. He normally would never pick a fight with Asuno for any reason, he was the only person that could match Karma tooth for nail, and although both boys would love to kill each other, they preferred to do their fighting on the intellectual grounds. However, Karma drew the line when Asuno used violence against girls.

He knew he'd probably get crap from the entire main campus, not to mention his own classmates. Once E Class saw he got into yet another fight, they'd have their share of crap to give him, but Karma didn't care. At least he could protect his classmates, and at least he could have some control over who he got bruises from.

It wasn't long before Karma reached the large white house that was at least four stories. People flooded the lawn and jumped off the roof into a neon lights pool, not to mention they all were intoxicated. Karma scanned the crowd looking for the orange haired class president, known as Asuno. Asuno, was happily standing near an open bar laughing cruelly at a kid who was throne into the pool kicking and screaming.

Karma rolled his eyes and stormed over to the evil class president, before grabbing Asuno's shoulder, pushing him around and letting his fist connect with Asuno's face. Asuno stumbled back holding his now bruising face.

"What the hell man!" Asuno yelled before locking his gold, evil eyes onto Karma's. "You." He growled, clenching his fist, before launching himself at Karma, tackling him to the ground.

"I thought I told you to stay away!" Asuno yelled taking a swing at Karma's face.

"That was before you decided to hit a girl!" Karma grunted, braking away from Asuno.

The two quickly attracted the drunken crowd. The party goers circled them and began screaming FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

Fist flew, bruises were made and blood began to drop from both boys and onto the ground...but Karma didn't care. He didn't care that he'd bleed for the rest of the night, he didn't care that he would never know what it was like not to feel pain shooting through his body everyday. He just couldn't care anymore. All that mattered was his fist connecting with Asuno's body, and the anger Karma had built up inside. Anger at Asuno, Anger at his Class, Anger at his father, but most of all...the anger he had for himself. As Asuno and Karma fought the chanting became nothing but background noise as the voices faded out.

    That is until one voice made Karma freeze in place.

"KARMA!" A voice screamed over the crowd. Some how the voice sounded familiar, like a story Karma had heard a long time ago.

Upon hearing his name Karma snapped his head up in confusion, only to see a girl with brown hair and crystal blue eyes. She did not look at him with hate or scorn, but with a quiet smile, as if she knew what he was doing. As if she knew who Karma was protecting. As Amber eyes, met crystal eyes, Karma knew exactly who this girl was.

"Nanami?!" Karma asked questionably, dropping Asuno on his face Karma stood up slowly.

No. He thought. She can't be here. He denied, praying she wasn't back, praying she wouldn't get mixed up in all of this mess.

"OMG." One of the A Class girls sneered sounding like a snotty brat. "The new girl is friends with the devil." That comment encouraged laughter to erupt from the corrupt students of the highest class in school.

However, despite getting laughed at by her classmates, Karma couldn't help but notice that Nanami didn't seem bothered at all by their actions. She only starred at him with a questioning gaze, as if to say I know you have your reasons, but why would you ever result to this?

Before Karma knew what to do, he felt pain shoot through his body as he was tackled to the ground by a ferrous Asuno. Karma brought up his hands to deflect the hard blows coming at all sides as Asuno's fist connected with his body time and time again, and no matter how hard Karma struggled, he just couldn't get out of Asuno's grasp.

"HEY!" Nanami yelled, grabbing Asuno's wrist.

"Let go Nanami!" Asuno yelled at her in ferry as he glared at her with threatening eyes. Eyes that threatened to make her life a living hell if she did not abide by his rules. "Don't you know who this is?"

Karma could visibly see Nanami swallow in fear, he closed his eyes, not wanting to see Nanami let go of Asuno so he could return to killing him. However, that's not what happened.

"Of course I know who he is." Nanami pulled a drunk Asuno off Karma and pulled Karma roughly onto his feet. "He's my best friend."

"What?..." Karma began, surprised Nanami considered him a friend at all, after what he did... but Nanami stomped on Karma's foot, hard enough to get him to shut up.

"Let's go." she scoffed and pushed Karma through the crowd off shocked and disgusted faces of A Class.

Once the two were a safe distance away from the party house, Nanami let go of Karma's arm. Turning around angerly she glared at Karma. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? BEATING SOMEONE UP! SERIOUSLY?!" She yelled.

Karma wanted nothing more than to tell her everything, from the school to his home. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, how he'd wake up at night wanting to call her, but since he had nothing good to say he chose not to. That he was the reason they had fallen out, but he said none of that.

"WHAT!" He yelled back. "NO! You can't just show up out of no where and expect me to spill my guts to a girl I haven't seen in four years!" Karma clenched his fist, he didn't even know why he was yelling at her, he just couldn't believe she was standing in front of him, and the first thing she does is drag him out of a fight. Throwing his arms into the air he turned and began walking away.

"That wasn't my fault Karma! My mother got transferred! It wasn't my fault!" Nanami began to follow Karma. Both kids were now standing in the middle of the road yelling at each other, you would had never had guessed they were childhood friends seeing each other for the first time in four years, but life long friends that new each other well enough to yell at each other in the middle of the night.

"Then why in the hell are you here now!" Karma stopped dead in his tracks and whipped around staring Nanami in the eyes. "I am not the same person you knew four years ago Nanami! You should go." Karma pointed down a side road, a road that did not lead back to the party, but didn't lead in the direction of his house either. His voice was no longer yelling, or angry, but low and stern.

"What are you talking about?" Nanami laughed in shock as she ran her hand threw her light brown hair "You are no different, you're still fighting everyone's battles, I heard what you said to Asuno, and even now, you don't want me going back to that party." Nanami shook her head, trying to figure out how she could reach Karma. "Karma, I know something is wrong. Do not lie to me about it, not to me."

"You don't know me Nanami. Maybe you used to, but not anymore." Karma turned, and without looking back he walked into the darkness of the night.

"KARMA!" Nanami yelled, trying to get Karma to turn around.

But he didn't he just held up his hand and disappeared into the shadows.

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