Le Tag 1

81 10 163

Shorter in comparison so I'll start with this.
(changed my mind, I'll study for physics so will instead procrastinate the longer tag)

Tagged by: my mums ieat_toes and Rosee_are_Rosieee
We all have a large family, even I don't know anyone except my parents and my grandmother so yeah check in with them for the ancestry/family tree stuff. Sorry to disappoint, I was recently adopted.

Alright let's start.

1) Sexuality:  lesbian. I'm trying to figure out my attraction towards guys and enby pals so idk if I'm og lesbian or not, but definitely 90% of the bones in my body are gay. For now I'm Sappho's little bitch.

2) gender: girl. This I'm sure of.

3) last songs: Lane Boy - Twenty One Pilots; Drugs- Mother Mother; Dark Paradise (alternate version) - Lana Del Ray
(I like listening to my old shuffle, these are the three songs I listened to today.)

4) happy?: very difficult question, the answer to which is- not particularly.

5) hair colour: black.

6) zodiac: scorpio.

7) last person you kissed: depends on what type of. Anywho, my sister on her cheek I guess.

8) fave colour: I love colours in general, but red and blue hold the first rank.

9) fave food : chicken nuggets (I can already predict some of the comments this will ensure), veggie fried rice, fish curries that my mum makes with rice.

10) battery: 58% ( a rare occurrence really).

11) celebrity crush : there are so many, god. Hugh Jackman forever, Erza Miller, timoTHAY, Megan Fox, LANA DEL RAY, Cara Delevigne, Bridgette Lundy-Paine, Halsey, King Princess, Ruby Rose, Bill skarsgård, etc etc I can't think anymore my two braincells are exhausted.

12) fave vegetable: Potato all the way. It's royalty.

13) shoe size : irdk and irdc.

14) dream job: forensic surgeon/ author.

Yes, that's it I'm done.

People who's valuable time I want to waste by making them do this:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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