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The exams were over, and while some failed and most succeeded, that really didn't matter much as today was the day Y/n had proposed to remaining Build Girls who all accepted. Unbeknownst to them, the boys as well as some of the teachers were outside of the room and witnessed the entire thing and their reactions varied.

Kaminari and Mineta were both crying and cursing at Y/n in jealousy, Kirishima and Kyo were crying tears of joy as they repeated the words "manly" over and over again, and the other boys were beyond glad to see the their classmates so happy.

Ryujin was especially happy that Y/n is happy as both he and Kyo had secretly found out about how Y/n was left behind by his mother and father and despite his Quirk helping him remember lots of information, he doesn't remember anything since he was 5 and was told he was left behind. So because of learning about his fellow Rider's past, Ryujin was glad that Y/n got the family he was missing.

It was weird however. What both Ryujin and Kyo found wierd was that they went through the same thing as Y/n, left alone without parents but were lucky to have help from other child services, but they never actually feel at home with them, but when they met with each other and Y/n, it was different. They have so many questions to ask each other about why they felt so familiar whenever they hangout, like they've done it before when they were younger except that they have the feeling that they're missing some people.

Although they want answers, both the Dragonic and Robotic Riders knew better then to ruin a special day in the Genius Rider's life. So they stayed quiet and just enjoyed the scene, they can always figure it out another time.

The teachers weren't any better as All Might's grin grew even wider then possible and put up two thumbs up as he felt his happy that his successor had found someone she loved, Present Mic had tears in his eyes as he really enjoyed the song and thought Y/n had a natural talent for music, Midnight kept on squirming as she talks about how heart throbbed and other things such as young love but she also could't help but wonder why she felt a bit jealous. The other teachers were similar to their students as they were happy that their other students were much happier then they ever have been before.

But the most surprising reactions were on both Aizawa and Nezu as with the former, he couldn't help but show a full sincere smile but quickly hide it under his scarf to avoid the teasing from both Present Mic and Midnight, while the latter despite his sadistic nature towards humans, he also couldn't help be proud that it was his school that brought this group of people together and showed love amongst each other.

It was then all of them quickly made haste to leave as they saw that the group began to seperate from each other so that the newly born fiancé and his fiancées wouldn't see them. Once they were all gone, it was now only Y/n and the Build Girls in the room as the girls had finally wiped away all their tears as they all stare into there newly acquired rings. Momo, Kyoka and Mina pulled out all of theirs that they had secretly kept inside of their costumes pockets the entire time.

Y/n then smiled as he then asked them all.

Y/n: I believe that your liking your new accessories, correct?...

It was then all the girls then turned to him and quickly talked about how they loved the design and that they're happy to be engaged to him, even Katsumi showed a sincere smile without having any of her usual scowl. Y/n also explained how that while they are engaged, the actual wedding will be set after thier graduations, so until then they'll be keeping their "boyfriend/girlfriends" status until they all become Pros but they can keep the rings and wear them or not if they choose too. However, it was then Katsumi thought of something as she then asked the Genius Rider.

Katsumi: Hey nerd... did you get the blessings of all our parents?...

It was then the rest of the girls, other then Momo, realised that they needed to ask their permission to marry Y/n. Even Kyoka and Mina also forgot to speak to their parents about it as they were to busy studying on last Saturday at Momo's home and had to do some groceries the day after like everyone else.

U.A. Genius Bottled Hero (Kamen Rider Build (OLD ONE, REWRITE IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now