Chapter 1

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*Image is how I imagine Ace to look


"Why is it so fucking complicated for you to carry out a fucking simple task" I snap at my P.A and she gulps and stumbles to apologise. "Don't fucking apologise, just do it fucking right the first time!" I snap before dismissing her out of my office and slamming the door behind her. The sound vibrated through the office as I went to sit back down. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and wished like fuck people could just do as they are fucking asked.

I had come to New Orleans a year ago to escape the heartbreak that Amabella fucking Michaelson or Amabella Jaxx as she is now known as, caused. Do not get me wrong it had been the best fucking decision of my life. I had made a name for myself and was now the CEO of the largest publishing company in New Orleans. Things had been going well. I just could not seem to hire fucking capable P.A's to do basic shit. It was apparently beyond their capabilities. I sighed as I looked at the clock. It was 5pm, time for my working day to end so I could go to my favourite place. The Leaky Tavern. It was one of my favourite bars in the French Quarter. A little further out than I lived, but worth the travel and the quiet it offered. Being in the French Quarter but on the back streets, it was not overcrowded. Easy enough to blend into. Easy enough to pick up women to fuck and very easy to drown my sorrows. The thought of the burning liquor going down my throat, had me rushing out the door.

My driver pulled up outside The Leaky Tavern and I stepped out into the cool air. I took off my tie and suit jacket and threw them into the back of the car before I closed the door and headed inside. Some shitty country band played at a dull level as I stepped inside the bar and my shoes stuck to the floor. 'I did not come here for the cleanliness that's for fucking sure' I thought as I made my way over to the bar. "Scotch on the rocks" I say to whoever was behind the bar, because honestly I was not really looking. A moment later the glass appeared in front of me. "Manners cost nothing you know" A sickly sweet voice said. A voice I did not recognise, which was unusual because I knew all the staff in here. I was in here fucking often enough. I looked up to my bartender and was met by the bluest eyes I have ever seen. I pause as I take in the girl that the eyes belonged to. A girl I had never seen before. Because looking at her, I would have fucking remembered. "Thank you" I finally say and she nods before she disappears to the other end of the bar and then out of view. I down my drink and the familiar burn helps my mind to clear. I came in here most nights. I came here to drown my sorrows and forget about fucking Amabella. The very girl that put me off women for good, unless it was to simply fuck them of course.

Several scotches later and the familiar buzz was returning. I watched as a woman with long brown hair and barely any clothes on sauntered over to me. "Hello Handsome" she purred and I rolled my eyes as I downed the next scotch. "What's a sexy man like yourself doing drinking alone" she asks and I sigh. 'Fine I'll bite' I thought deciding in my half drunken state that she would do for a quick fuck in the toilets. "I'm not alone now. I have you" I say, lacing my voice with charm. I watch as she grins. "You can have me anytime handsome" she purrs and I roll my eyes. A little annoyed at how easy she was making this for me. I took her hand and she willingly followed me into the toilets. Once in there, I pushed her up against the door and kissed her forcefully. "Oh you like it rough" she purrs and I sigh just wanting to get it over with. I yank up her short skimpy dress and pull down her panties. Her hands go to my trousers and I allow her to free my manhood. "Holy fucking shit" she says as she takes in my size and I cannot help but to smirk. My mouth goes to hers once more and I kiss her harshly before I ram myself inside her and hear her wince as her body takes my size. Her wincing is soon changed to moaning as I pound into her until I cum. Once I come down from my orgasm, I pull out of her and pull my pants back up. I say nothing to her as she looks at me frustrated at not reaching her own climax. That was not my fucking problem. I did not care if she had a good time or not, as long as I got off, that was all I fucking cared about. I stepped around her crumpled body and headed back out the toilets and back to the bar for another drink. The cute bartender gave me a questionable look but said nothing as she handed me another drink.

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