Play Forever

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     The first day of summer didn't go the way I expected it to. First of all, it was gloomy and wet. I stared out my bedroom window into the rainy, windy atmosphere and sighed. My parents weren't home so I couldn't leave the house. My phone was out of minutes so I couldn't call anyone. The Internet was down and the computer was in my parents room which was off limits. And best of all, the tv wasn't working. My options were limited.

     "Hey, Janice, can I play your DS for a little while?" My 12 year old sister, Brianna, asked holding the DS up to my face. I shrugged and nodded.

     She walked out to the livingroom and I heard her plop onto the couch. Hours past with nothing to do. I could play my DS, but I just gave that away to Brianna. I could bake some cookies, but I didn't have a sweet tooth at the time. I could read, so I decided on that. I read a few chapters of "Maximum Ride" then I started going cross-eyed after hours of constant reading. I went out into the livingroom to get my DS back from Bri and I saw her just staring at the screen, but still playing it.

     "Bri, almost done? I wanna play my DS now." I said. She stared at the screen for another second and she flinched and blinked as if waking up from a hypnotism. Then she looked up at me.

     "Huh?" She asked. "I want my DS" I repeated. I held out my hand, waiting for her to argue. She just stared. "20 more minutes? Please?" I leered at her for a while, then made my decision.

     "Okay. 20 minutes." I said, finally. I walked back to my room and picked up Maximum Ride. I kind of wanted to get back to this book anyway.

     20 minutes passed by eventually.

     "Hey, Bri. Time's up. I want my DS now." I held my hand out once again. She looked at me for a second.

     "I'm sorry what?" she said. I sighed. "DS, Brianna. My turn"

     "I really like this game and I'm almost done with this level. Can I play for just 20 more minutes? Please, please, please?" She begged. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes menacingly at her.

     "This is your last 20 minutes okay?" I said, not wanting to make the situation go bad if I just took it away from her. She smiled and continued to play the game. 

     Again, I read Maximum Ride for another 20 minutes until I went back out to the livingroom to get my DS. Brianna was rapt to the game. She just stared and played, not caring about what was happening around her.

     "Brianna, come on it's been yet another 20 minutes. I'm getting tired of this. Give me my DS now." Once again, I held out my hand. She didn't respond.

     "Brianna." Nothing

     "Hey!" Silence.

     "You know what? I'm sick of this! It's not even worth it. Go ahead! Play forever! Why should I care?" I stormed away, later wondering if I overreacted. I decided not.

     The rest of the day flew by with Lisa playing my DS and me reading Maximum Ride. I went to bed at 11:39pm and woke up at 2:27am to get a drink of water. When I went out into the livingroom, she was sitting in the spot she has been in since I gave her the DS.

     "Bri!" I whispered hoarsly. "You've been playing the DS since yesterday! You have to give it a break!" She said nothing.

     I just stared. I thought for a second. She'll go to bed sooner or later. This will all pass in a little while. I mean...she can't really play forever...can she?

     I went back to bed and woke up at 7:04. I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal and Brianna was on the game. I suddenly stomped on over to her and tried to snatch it away from her. She wouldn't let it go. Bri was in a trance.

     "Come on, Bri. This is seriously getting old." She said nothing. I bent in to look at her because I didn't have my glasses on. Her eyes were red and dry, her lips also dry, and i couldn't imagine how her fingers felt right now.

     "Brianna? You ok?" silence once again. I tapped on her and sighed. I looked at the DS. Low battery. I snapped my fingers in her face.

     "Brianna! Snap out of it!" Then, after blinking over and over again that red light, the DS finally turned off...All of a sudden, something unbelievable happened. I screamed. Brianna blinked and gasped.

     "Why do my eyes feel like they're on fire? And why are my fingers so-" then she looked at me. Her eyes got wide and she screamed also. My hands disintegrated into dust and it went up to my arms. Then, from my feet to my legs and then to my neck. I screamed and then my voice vanished, disintegrating along with the rest of me.

     Then Brianna stood up and stared at the pile of dust that used to be her sister.

      "Uh-oh...Mom and Dad are gonna kill me!"

                                       THE END

Why do you think Janice disintegrated instead of Brianna?

Thanks for reading my story :) please comment and fan!

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