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"so how do i do this?" (Y/n) asked while looking at iida. "(Y/n) this is just simple addition." He looked down at the much smaller girl, admiring the way her eyes would light up when he explained a problem to her.
   "ughhhhh this is soooo boring! i have a better idea" her smile got big " how about we watch shows? i wanted to start this new anime, it's called boku no pico. Mineta recommended it to me, he said it was really good."
   Iida blushed, flashing back to a conversation he overheard between Kaminari and Mina a few days before.


" hehe, did you start watching that new anime? Boku no Pico i think it was?" mina asked. Iida passed by right as Kaminari said, " mhm it's really dirty though, like mineta level dirty."

iida's eyes widened at that sentence. Dirtier than mineta? " i've heard it's badddd...." mina smirked. iida blushed at that statement. Now, he had never watched-

well...he had never intentionally watched anything of that sort, but he did happen to walk by as Mineta was watching it in lunch one day.
Mineta tends to get (Y/n) in trouble with those types of things because of her naive mindset.


"how about we just watch some cartoons? you can pick your favorite one to watch." the smaller girl smiled at the boy, nodding her head at that idea.

"but why not my idea? why can't we watch that?" (Y/n) cluelessly asked.

iida shook his head, " that's not very appropriate for you to watch. the cartoons would be more fun as well."

"can we still cuddle?" her doe eyes peered up at the tall boy. she looked so beautiful in that moment, the way her lips curved up into a small smile, the way her eyes shown in the light coming from her window.

iida couldn't look away, he was speechless. he had never seen (y/n) in that way, always as just a little sister, someone he had to protect. in this moment he hadn't seen her as some someone he needed to protect, he had seen the girl as someone he could be himself with.

the boy hadn't come across a teenager like her since...ever. he had never seen a 15 year old who didn't curse much, watched cartoons religiously, and was just....so pure. her hamster quirk didn't do much, except make her even more adorable in his eyes. screw that, everyone thought she was adorable.

    he felt the need to hold her in his arms, protect her from all the evil in this world. and that's exactly what he did, he let her snuggle up close to him and wrapped his arms around her petite figure. he started petting her hair, he had heard from midoriya that she liked that.

midoriya gave some good advice for cuddling with (y/n), seeing as he was one of her regular cuddle buddies. iida had only ever cuddled with (y/n) once before, and it was kind of awkward. he hadn't known what to do, she hadn't hated him for it, he just needed to learn what to do. and he knew that she needed someone to sleep with or else she would have nightmares, he had heard how bad they could get. so, he'd have to start getting better at this cuddling thing g

she smiled, "you've gotten really good at cuddling, might even have to become one of my regular cuddle buddies. you're really warm." iida got really excited, he could hold her more often! 'and she said i was warm' he blushed.

"you're so cute iida" she basically fangirled right in that moment. "hm?" iida asked her. " oh, i said you were cute." he had never heard someone refer to something he did as cute. "well thank you" he softly smiled at her. "you're very welcome."

    the night ended with iida watching the fifth episode of the cartoon she picked. (y/n) was fast asleep on his chest, he didn't want to wake her up, but he also didn't want to sleep in her room without her consent. and seeing as she couldn't consent because she was sleeping soundly, he knew he had to go back to his room.

he picked her up gently so he could get up from the bed and turned off the tv. using his phone for light so he could see where he was going, he got a fluffy blanket and placed it upon her. he whispered, " goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams." before walking out the door and gently shutting it.

   he walked back to his dorm with a smile on his face. ' i hope i get to spend more time with her' iida thought to himself.

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