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canAda 🇨🇦
(Y/n) i have something to
tell you.
It might make you see me

what is it todo? you know you can
tell me anything

canAda 🇨🇦
this is really hard for me to say,
but you deserve an

take as long as you need sho🥺

canAda 🇨🇦
the reason why i haven't been
"acting like myself lately"
is because i....
i think i have feelings for you.

oh my...
um i'll be at your dorm in a
minute, i need to talk to you in

canAda 🇨🇦



    (Y/n) exited her room after a minute or so of pacing, trying to figure out what she was going to say. 'how do i tell him,' she thought to herself, ' he's one of my best friends, i don't want to lose him.'

    After taking a few deep breaths, she knocked on his door. Immediately it opened, she looked up to see heterochromic eyes staring back into her own. "may i come in?" she asked a little above a whisper.

   Shoto nodded and opened the door wider for her to step in. "So...." she started. "So.." Shoto responded.

    "look-...i..i don't know how to say this....but i uh.." she trailed off.

    "i understand..." Todoroki said defeatedly. Her eyes glossed over with tears at she looked at the male, wishing she could comfort him.

   "Shoto...i already like someone. I'm not even sure if i just like him, i think i'm in love with him..." She whispered. Her grabbed her wrists tight and looked at her with pleading eyes.

   "Who is it?" He asked monotonously. (Y/n) was quiet until he raised his voice, "Who is it?" His grip on her wrists tightened ever so slightly.

  "Shoto, please stop." (Y/n) whimpered. He reluctantly let go, stepping out of her way.

   "I'll tell you who it is....I'm in love with Bakugo..." He chuckled a bit. "I kind of knew, it seems everyone does. But it's better that you admitted it and let me down in person." He gave a small, heartbroken smile.

   "I'm sorry Sho.." she whispered whilst looking down at her bunny slippers.

   (Y/n) was almost out of the room before she heard Shoto say, "just please promise that you won't leave me, that everything will be the same between us. I can't lose you.."

   She turned around and walked back to him, "You could never lose me, Sho. You're one of my best friends." (Y/n) smiled at the much taller boy, before hugging him. He nodded and let her go, "Goodnight, (N/n)" " Goodnight Sho, sleep tight."


    i was walking out of soy sauce face's room when i heard talking. it never hurts to investigate a little bit, especially if it's coming from icy hot's room, he never has people over.

  "Goodnight, (N/n) "Goodnight Sho, sleep tight." I could hear the beaut-STUPID ASS SMILE in her voice. Why was she in his room? Did something happen between those two? It better fucking not, i'd blow that half-and-half bastard to pieces.

  Walking to my dorm i couldn't help but wonder if something DID happened between them. Are they dating? Nah, she'd never go for him, especially after i used the advice from the manga i was reading.

  I carried her, I was nice to her, let her try my food, cuddled with her. So why was she with icy hot? What if she does like him..? WHAT DO I DO IF SHE LIKES HIM?!

  I'm not prepared for this, but she couldn't like him. God damnit, i'm thinking way too into this, but a part of me ached for answers. Maybe if i just fucking...avoided her until she gives me answers..?

  It could be hard, but i'm fucking strong. I got this, she's gonna be giving me answers to everything in no time.

y'all this was kinda sad for me to write. i was crying last night thinking of how i'd go about writing it and the dialogue id use. oh and also

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n e ways

love you besties <3

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