chapter one

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Caroline's POV:

"That's so cute" I said admiring Kylie's bracelet. She got it from her boyfriend on their anniversary this week. It had a really shiny stone on it. Kylie shyly pushed back a lock of her blond hair to the back of her ear blushing. Her brown warm eyes sparkling. We were sitting in a park ground having picnic. The day was cool and every one of my friends was there.

"so, what stuff happened after the bracelet" Matilda asked winking while the rest of us cheered with excitement except for Jeremy. He nudged Tilda in the shoulder and rolled his eyes

"what....I like the juicy stuffs .... don't judge me" she said to Jeremy carelessly tossing a grape into her mouth. She had light brown eyes and shoulder length golden hair in light curls. We all laughed including him

"Well nothing happened Tilda.." Kylie said munching on a sandwich

"you are no fun" she said resting her head back on the sheet against the soft grass

"you like juicy and fun eyy" Asher said grinning at her. We all knew well what he meant by his comment. Before we knew it he pounced on Tilda and pinned her down against the grass. He was throwing kisses all over her face and neck while she struggle to break free. We were all laughing and clapping. She should have espected that coming any time soon. She had been up on the topic since when we started the picnic

"Get off me" she yelled in-between struggles

"So you like dogs too...ok" he moved his tongue on her lips and on the side of her face while she screams yelling for us to get him off her. We watched amazed at how Tilda was the girl screaming against a boy's touch. She had been always the one talking on how she would make a man ask for mercy under her. He Finally got off her and ran across sitting beside me.

"Good boy" I said laughing and running my fingers through his messy hair. He barked like a dog sticking his tongue out.

"you guys are unbelievable" she said disgusted getting  grass out of her hair  and wiping her lips and cheeks hard with napkins

"well you asked for it....and it was fun watching you......." Ben was mid sentence when he got hit by a half empty can of coke. He had his full dark hair pulled back roughly.

"Hey, thanks for the drink" he said sarcastically. We were all laughing again at her outburst. She picked her phone out of her purse and looked into it letting out a growl

"You ruined my hair" she yelled at Asher who had been pursing his lips and winking at her the whole time

"but you had fun, didn't you" he cooed at her winking

"or, are you not satisfied yet..." he said in a husky voice moaning . He sent us laughing again at Matilda making her disgusted face

"you guys..... this is a public park....not some make out joint" Jeremy said clearly getting enough of Asher's act.

"you are a party pooper Jeremy"  John said sternly

"well some one actually broke my finger yesterday....thanks for asking guys" Sofia said leaning back at the tree she had been the whole time.

"yeah.....I have been wanting to ask you about the bandage on your did you get hurt" I asked

"Got two stupidly dressed weirdos" she said looking down at her hurt finger

"oh my God" we said in unison getting closer to her. Me, Asher and Kylie hugged her all together.

"Are you okay" Kylie asked worried

"barely.....and the thing they wanted was even weirder" she said looking at us

"Like what....the Hobos wanted to burn the sheets with you" Tilda said laughing eating a sandwich oblivious to our stares. After seconds of silence she looked up at us with an arched brow

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