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My name is Linda Washy.

I'm a Half-Blood. My dad was a Muggle. I never knew him. 

But who needs a dad when you have two best friends, a great mom, and the wackiest grandma on earth?

This is my Hogwarts story. 

You'll meet my best friends, Lily and Panda. Looking back, things were a lot less serious than we thought, but we were only kids, who can blame us? 

I should probably explain my life before Hogwarts, living with my family in Ireland.

I live with my mom and my grandma, in a wizarding town in Galway. It's called Meadhog, and before you say that that's a knock-off of Hogsmead, Meadhog was actually here first.

My grandma was a professional wand maker, before she retired to a 'peaceful' life with us. But things are never peaceful with Grandma around.

For example, when Grandma said she wanted to stay fit, we didn't know she meant gymnastic broom-riding. She was prone to do crazy things like that like making new wizarding sports (she claims to have invented Quidditch- I don't believe her. Grandma's old- but not that old!). When she started a cat choir in our living room, Mom decided that  enough was enough. And so, Grandma started living in a cabin our back garden. This may sound harsh, but it's lavishly furnished, complete with her sixteen-cat choir(Grandma says that she's going to make a fortune) and a tabby on double bass. 

I should probably move on to my friends. I knew Panda all my life. Her real name is Pandora, but she has such a cute and cuddly nature that I decided to name her Panda. We do everything together. Share our sweets, watch Grandma do backflips on broomsticks, and play together on the local Quidditch team(The junior Meadhog Moles- we're quite famous). We didn't meet Lily until Hogwarts- but I'll get to that later. 

These are my diaries from my years at Hogwarts. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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